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missing something ?
are you guys missing something ? we will be going into the double digits (weather ) this weekend . terms like below zero and wind chill will soon pass into history as the sun starts to shine down on us here in the north .

i have been practicing how to yell out " fish on ! " my wife thinks this is stupid . she remembers my record from last year , the fish won most of the time . this year will be different , i found a lucky penny .

still , warmer weather leads to some confusion around here , it takes a while to understand that " pass me a cold one " means a frosty beer , and not a dead minnow , and that picking up some salt at the store no longer means in the fiftey pound bags . rock salt on your popcorn can be a real drag .

it is also the time we tend to find out that women do not hirbernate , they have been in disguise among us guys as we ice fished , dressed like eskimoes , learning everything they can to blackmail us into doing chores in the yard . for the most part i went alone on the ice this past winter . my chores should be limited to a few hours a weekend .

so , if your missing some sunshine this weekend , it is in michigan , i do not plan on returning it untill the fall , i hope you understand .

fish on ....., fish on ......, FISH ON ! i'm getting better at it every day !

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