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Trout Stocking Schedule Changes
Due to high water levels the stocking schedule for Week 2 (April 16 - 20) has been changed. Below are the changes as of Wednesday, April 18. The trout stocking hotline has been updated to reflect these changes and the weekly schedules at will be updated later today. The schedule changes for Week 2 are as follows:

IN-SEASON WEEK 2 (April 16 - 20)

MONDAY - APRIL 16, 2007


Cancelled - moved to Thursday, April 19

Sussex<br />
Cancelled - moved to Week 3. Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3

Sussex<br />
Cancelled - moved to Week 3. Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3

Monmouth &amp; Ocean<br />
Cancelled - moved to Friday, April 20

Bergen<br />
Cancelled - moved to week 3. Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3.

Morris, Somerset &amp; Union<br />
Cancelled - moved to week 3. Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3.

TUESDAY - APRIL 17, 2007

Gloucester &amp; Salem<br />
Greenwich Lake, Iona Lake, and Riverview Beach Pond will not be stocked. These lakes will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments on regularly scheduled stocking dates for week 3.

Middlesex &amp; Monmouth<br />
No change

Bergen, Essex, Hudson &amp; Passaic<br />
No change

Hunterdon &amp; Somerset<br />
Raritan River S/Br Lower &amp; Middle 2 - rescheduled for Friday, April 20.

Hunterdon &amp; Morris<br />
Raritan River S/Br Middle1 &amp; Upper - rescheduled for Friday, April 20.

Passaic<br />
Oldham Pond - not stocked. Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3. Pequannock River - rescheduled for Thursday, April 19. Pompton River - not stocked. Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3.

Warren<br />
Furnace Brook - Rescheduled for Thursday, April 19<br />
Furnace Lake - Rescheduled for Thursday, April 19<br />
Pohatcong Creek Lower - Rescheduled for Thursday, April 19 Pohatcong Creek Upper - Rescheduled for Thursday, April 19


Burlington, Camden &amp; Atlantic<br />
All ponds will be stocked as scheduled.<br />
Rancocas Creek - will not be stocked. Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3.

Mercer<br />
Colonial Lake, D &amp; R Canal, and Rosedale Lake will be stocked as scheduled. Assunpink Creek - Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3. Stony Brook - Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3.

Morris<br />
No change

Hunterdon<br />
No change

Hunterdon &amp; Mercer<br />
D &amp; R Canal - no stocking at Bulls Island, Lockatong Ck, or Hunterdon Hills (three uppermost locations) All other waters as scheduled

Sussex<br />
No change

Somerset<br />
No change


Cape May &amp; Cumberland<br />
No change

Middlesex<br />
No change

Bergen<br />
Hohokus Brook, Potash Lake, Ramapo River, and Whites Pond will not be stocked. Will receive both week 2 and week 3 allotments, on regularly scheduled stocking date for week 3.

Sussex<br />
No change

Warren &amp; Sussex<br />
No change

Morris<br />
No change

Warren - added (originally scheduled for Tuesday, April 17) Furnace Brook Furnace Lake Pohatcong Creek - Lower Pohatcong Creek - Upper

Warren - added (originally scheduled for Monday, April 16) Beaver Brook Buckhorn Creek Honey Run Lopatcong Creek Pophandusing Creek Roaring Rock Bk Trout Brook (Hope)

Morris &amp; Passaic - added (originally scheduled Monday, April 16) Rockaway River - Lower Rockaway River - Upper Russia Brook Pequannock River

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 2007

Monmouth &amp; Ocean<br />
No change

Passaic<br />
No change

Sussex<br />
No change

Union<br />
No change

Morris &amp; Sussex<br />
No change

Hunterdon &amp; Warren<br />
No change

Sussex &amp; Warren<br />
No change

Momouth &amp; Ocean - added (originally scheduled for Monday, April 16) Echo Lake Lake Shenandoah Manasquan River Metedeconk R N/B Metedeconk R. S/B Mingamahone Bk Prospertown Lake Toms River

Hunterdon &amp; Somerset - added (originally scheduled for Tuesday, April17) Raritan River S/B - Lower Raritan River S/B Middle2

Hunterdon &amp; Morris - added (originally scheduled for Tuesday, April 17) Raritan River S/B Middle1 Raritan River S/B Upper Black River (originally scheduled for Thursday, April 19)


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