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BFT Rally on the West Coast!
We are planning a BFT get together at Castaic Lake Lagoon. This will be on Sunday April [#ff0000]29 [/#ff0000]at the Lagoon launch ramp at sunrise or shortly thereafter.

If anyone on the West Coast would like to participate in this event, feel free to come along. Bring your Tube, Toon, Yak, Small Boat with electric motor or feel free to fish from the bank or fishing dock.

I will be handing out BFT Stickers and Hook Safes to all who come join us.

Since this is kindof my playground, I feel obligated to invite all who attend to McDonalds after the event or call for delivery of something there at the lake.

There are plenty of Bass for all to catch. Bluegill and Trout are also on the menu.

If you are using Spinning, Baitcasting, or Flyswatting gear, come on over and have a good time.

I will update the guest list as it grows.

Here is a picture of one of my toys from that Lake.[cool]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5030;]

Current list:




Yall westcoast guys want to pitch in on my airfair so I can enjoy the festivities too? [Wink] One of these days tube I'm going to fish castiac. Ive only been to southern cali once and didnt get to go out and see anything. But my next trip out their the bass in castiac better watch out!

LOL< Steve is just trying to copy us Matt. [Tongue]

Na, sounds like alot of fun. Wish I were closer, I'd go! [cool]
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey there TubeN2 the 28th is a Saturday. So is it Saturday the 28th or Sunday the 29th? If it is Sunday what time are you all planning together? Also depending upon where you are meeting it is either 85 or 105 miles. If I get in late Saturday night [which is probability] doubt if I can make it because of not only the drive but a day of tubing on only a few hours sleep plus the drive home will [pirate] me.[/size][/green][/font][/center]
I can only pitch in for lunch. Next time you are out here, just let me know. I will plan another Rally just for you.[cool]
I already saw your get together. Out here in Cali, getting together has a whole different meaning.[shocked]

Besides, SC is the suffix for USC ha ha.

Actually one of the other members, ATFISHING and I have been trying to meet for a couple of years now. He said he was game to beat up some LMB. We should have some nice pics to share on the day after.[cool]
Castaic Lagoon on the 29th. My bad on the date. I had the day part of it correct.

I can tie a tether on to your tube if you decide to sleep. I can just tow you around and twitch a little to give your Clouser some action.[cool]
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]¿que hora senor TubeN2?[Wink][/size][/green][/font][/center]
Sunrise is at 5:05am. I plan on crashing the gate (waiting first in line)

Are you planning on swatting or spinning?

I will be in my tube attire minus the major appliances.

Do you have a FRS radio? I will figuree out a channel for us to use. I have xtra radios too.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][Sad]Hey there TubeN2 the more I think about it common sense [if I have any] dictates that I pass on your kind offer. If I wasn't going to be out Saturday night I would crash at my nieces house in Thousand Oaks. But seeing that I will probably not get to sleep until after midnight would mean that I would have to get up at least by 2:30 and leave around 3:30am. This old body can't keep up like I did when I was in my 20s, 30s etc. Hopefully next time. Have fun.[/size][/green][/font]
Out here L.A. is lower alabama [Wink] Honestly thats what they call it. I'll take you up on that lunch tube, I work for the Dept. of Defence so I can catch hops accross the country. I should save up a few weeks vacation and try that some time and just fish wherever we land on the way. That would be one heck of a fishing trip, most bases have good stocked fishing lakes. Down side to that is military aircraft brake down alot! Trust me I've been working on them for the last 7 years [Smile]
I'm very familiar with the other LA. I spent some time back and forth in one of the jobs I had before. The company that I was visiting was in Dothan. You know? The peanut capital of the world? ha ha.

I would run down to Panama Beach in the evenings for some good fishing action.[cool]
[cool] Hey tuben2!
I saw the picture of your mean machine and was wondering where you had room to sit.hehe
Hey bassngal, I have the choice of getting in first and then packing everything around me or just puting all the stuff on first and then grease my sides to sit in the middle of it.[Wink]

Have you seen our new Bass forum??? Come on by and check it out.[cool]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there TubeN2 hope that you all have great weather, a good turn out and that the fishys will be doing their part tomorrow.[/size][/green][/font]
The weather was great, the company was awesome and the food was delicious. The fish forget to confirm the invitation.[crazy]
[cool] How was the rally that was held on April 29th?
We had a good time. ATfishing made it with his son. The fish forget to read the invitation so there were only nibble and no bites.

There was a tournament the week before which put some heavy pressure on the lake.

I'm going back out over the next 2 days to find out how my baby bass are doing. I have some that I have been watching there for close to 17 years. They are growing and growing.[cool]

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