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oops. I meant "20 inches of white bass" [crazy] Went to Lindon today and caught 4 at about 5 inches each[  ] had a good time though, the lake was flat, almost no wind. well, mostly flat, except for the pwc guys. And they weren't even that bad. If I had a gun on me I woulda shot a boat though. He buzzed past me about 30-35 feet away at full speed and I almost took a swim. the front half of my toons submerged and I was in up to my knees with my feet on the foot rests. Held on tight and leaned back and managed to keep from flipping it. and I always thought the battery and trolling motor being heavy was inconvenient, the extra weight in back probably kept me from swimming. Other than that it was a great time on the water though, saw lots of carp but couldn't seem to snag any. I DID find out that after 3 hours on full speed my battery dies. i crawled back into the harbor, i think it took about 20 minutes from the mouth to the ramp. Cleaned up some trash people left in the water and on the ramp on my way back in. the 4 I caught were on my ultra light action rod so they still felt like bigguns, didn't see too many other people catching anything either, but I think I may have heard wasatch801 and his buddy in the reeds, Was that you Kev? I almost went over there but it was a little thick. Ok, this post is alomost over, I type long when I have beer [cool] almost forgot, thanks for your advice TD. I didn't get into them as thick as I hoped, but I had a great time that I really needed after the last 7 days at my job. [signature]
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Matt said that you did not get on the lake until about 6 pm? IF so, I was already gone at about 5pm or so. We probably passed one another en route! I ended up launching from the creek that flows in just north of the harbor. Justin nailed a bunch of carpies bowfishing. No fish taken from the creek, even though it was white-hot there just 3 days ago! I had heard of hundreds being caught there (my friend and his lady caught 30 WB the other night). I saw a wade angler with one WB and a large kitty (9-10#) on my way out the creek around 11am. I ended up catching 2 kitties on chubs near the tulies (one 2# and one 6-8#). Saw only a few tiny little gillies or WB chase my grub. While trying to get out, I popped my floattube on some barbed wire or Russian olive bushes....I won't put my pontoon in at that spot! I've only had 2-3 leaks/punctures in 20 years of tubing.....grrrr! Had a lot to do gave my fishes away to a guy at the take-out. I doubt he was gonna have any luck in that cold creek water. Good day, great weather, noooo W#&%!!!!! Too bad we couldn't have hooked up...maybe next time!
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[cool][#0000ff]Bummer about the puncture. You guys gotta learn: Inflated craft and sharp points should not be put together. Got it?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Once again, you also need to be aware that handing your fish to someone else...on the a violation and you could get a hefty ticket. The only place you can legally transfer fish is either at a home or a frozen food locker...with appropriate documentation for both parties on a piece of paper.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sounds dumb, to not be able to give someone less fortunate a fish...rather than waste it. But, if you are not going to keep them, turn them loose.[/#0000ff]
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Back when in '84 Utah Lake had tons and tons of white bass.
The flooded lake helped the whities procreate rapidly.
I once caught 500, no exageration, from a canal near the now
defunct Geneva Steel. But the thing was, I gave all the fish I
caught to the folks from southeast Asia.
I had no idea back then it was illegal!
But I agree partly with that law, whats the point of going fishing
and giving your fish to someone else?
Back then it was only white bass, I would never do that with trout.
Anywaws, nowadays I only keep what Im going to eat.
I dont ever ever do any catch-and-release fishing! None!
I would rather just leave the fish alone.
Why? Because in some places the fish are caught, like in the
San Juan River of Colorado and you can see the hook marks where
other fishermen had caught them before, why not just leave the
trout of the San Juan alone?
Strawberry, you'll never see me there, why? Because the Cutthroats
need a chance at growing large enough to eat the Chubs.
Too many folks fish at Strawberry. Me I like to go where you can
catch and keep. But I only keep what Im going to eat, I dont like
stuffing the freezer.
Yes conservation is an issue, needless to say, Republicans and
Democrats dont give a ^%$ about the environment.
I know I should not post political statements here but hey,
lets not get carried away with Strawberry and kill all of the
Cutthroats just because the mighty DWR says we can keep
a few fish between 15 and 22 inches.
Too many people fish Strawberry period! Its not worth it for
me to fish there.
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Thats the beauty of this country, we are all entitled to our own opinions........
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[cool]"[size 1]the mighty DWR says we can keep
a few fish between 15 and 22 inches. "[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[#0000ff]It is good that you DO NOT fish STrawberry. The 15" -22" slot is for fish you CAN NOT keep. You can keep all rainbows, but only cutthroats under 15" or over 22". [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And, for what it's worth, the regulation against handing off fish to other anglers was not intended to prevent overharvest of white bass. DWR would rather see them removed from Utah Lake because they eat June suckers. That regulation probably started on Strawberry, in the olden days, when large groups would line up on the bank and keep catching trout until everybody had their limits. The better fishermen in the group would "help" the kids and the dimbulbs who couldn't catch hatchery pets to fill their limits. DWR doesn't like that.[/#0000ff]
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I think i speak for many of the people here on BFT when i say that I fish for the enjoyment of fishing. I too like to eat what i catch, but usually (i havent caught squat in a month) i catch way more fish than i want to eat. When the fishing is hot, do you keep fishing when you catch the limit, or do you pack it up? I keep on fishin'
thus I may have to release some fish. just my .o2
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I prefer to harass fish all day with some catch and release action! [sly] Those that don't get out of the kitchen, better be able to take the heat of a smoker or some boiling oil! As far as eating what I keep, I always try to do that. I had intended to keep those cats, but ended up parting with them because of some things that had come up that evening....not much time to clean them. I would've released them, but I had already clipped their spines in order to keep them from poking my float-tube. Surely, large cats could survive such an ordeal and do just fine, but I'd rather not release something I treated that way. In the end, I'd rather NOT leave the fish alone.... what kinda fun is that?!