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Weber...not so good!
Had to fish close to home today, so I hit the Weber between Peterson and Morgan. The rest of the river below Echo is mostly high and dirty.

What looked to be a good stretch only yielded one small brown and one other strike. It's almost as if the section I was in was too low....I dunno. Saw a few PMD's around and a few yellow sallies. I didn't see anything rise and caught my one fish on a streamer.

I sure wish they would make this stretch of the Weber "Blue Ribbon" like the middle section. It sucks when they constantly mess with the flows.
Blue Ribbon or not I think with the low snow levels and sporadic heat waves we had over the winter have taken there toll on the weber. I've been traveling up and down the Weber from Wanship up to Morgan and I dont think Ive ever seen the river this low.

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