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Getting Ready for weekend
Been trying to figure out where to go this weekend so thursday I went for a little drive. Put my old toon in the truck and headed up Mirror Lake highway. Some good news the highway is open and some lakes are ice free. Stopped at Lilly to dip a line. Got my toon out pump ect. needles to say when I bought my new toon I put the new pump connection in my bags and pulled the old one out. Both of my toons are outcast and the old connection will work on both the new connection will not. Bummer!!!! Put the toon away and fished from shore a little all I had was sinking line so kept getting hung on bottom. I did however catch a couple of small fish. Also was very happy to watch a coyote play in the creek for about 30 minutes. Mirror lake is still frozen lilly and teapot are open I was told trial is open but did'nt see for myself. Also went around the mountain to Millhollow must have been having problems with the damn the lake has been drained still some water but not much. Also stopped by Smith and Morehouse lake is full and decided we will spend the week there. Everybody have a great weekend and be safe We'll be fishing Smith and Morehouse. Should have some pics next week If I decide to come home.
""some lakes are ice free""....I wonder where u are talking that? I'm in Illinois and everything is blooming. Lake is just about good enough to go tubing in hip waders.......still coolish.
Sorry I did not say the state I 'am in Utah. Some of our higher mountain still have a fair amount of snow not as much as they sometimes do this time of year but some of our lakes are still iced over. Leaving in the am will get some pics posted next week. It is very beautiful here!
You got to understand that the Uinta's is HARD TO BREATH country.
A lot of Pine Trees and Quakies to block the sun and elevations of 8,000 to 13,000, so you can understand how COOOOL it is still up there. Beautiful however with over 600 fishable lakes and 400 miles of creeks and streams.
That, I would love!!!!!! Ya lucky to have a very beautiful area!!
Millhollow will remain empty for the rest of the year. It was drain last fall for to make some repairs on the damn and spillway. Shame cause it gets all the left over fish from DWR. Ya never know what yer gonna pick up there (trout wise that is)

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