I am with ya on the spam thing, I was looking for a can of spam pic a few weeks back to do the same thing... LOL but when I look at the product and think it's a cheesey product I will open a line of discussion and say so.... not to be mean, but just to make it known that the product is either under developed or overly complicated or more of a hastle than it is worth. As it is with most everything, "simpler is better"
as for set lines, I have a stradigy for gettin the biguns. I set my line on the bottom of the river or lake and wait till I hear a ting, then I am right on top of my rod "not touching it" waiting for the rod to double over so I can grab it and set the hook.
I use two rods at a time so I have two set lines. hate when I have a double header...LOL when the fishing is hot I will drop down to one rod.
now if I had 5 hands I would be with you on the hands on the pole at all time thing, but I have to have one hand to nurse my beer, one hand to hold my hot dog, one to swat flies and skeeters and one for each pole. [

but when lending a kid my pole, he had better have your attitude on the hands on thing. I tell them if they set the pole down thay had better be watching it, cause if they dont and the fish yanks the pole in to the drink that I am going to thow him in after it....
there was one time, I was about 15 and the kid I lent my pole to was about 10, we were sittin on the end of the dock and the kid kept setting the rod down and every time he did the fish would grab his line. I told him what I would do if the pole whent in. sure enough he set the pole down and looked away just for a second the fish grabbed the line and soump! right in to the lake when the rod, and I had not told him but a minute before... the kid looked at the rod go in, looked at me and less than a split second he jumped in to the lake after the rod..
well he caught the rod, stood up and pulled in a 12 pound carp.... I was rolling over on my side laughing, at that time in my life it was the funniest thing I ever seen, still pretty hard to beat today....[laugh]