07-15-2007, 10:26 AM
13th, 2007
STRIPED BASS- Things got a bit slower in bass circles this week. The
usual gathering spots of the Race and Plum Gut aren't giving up a lot of
bass. Some of the closer reefs such as Bartletts and Hatchetts and
occaisionally Long Sand Shoal are yeilding some jumbos on live bait. There
seems to be fewer but larger bass on those reefs. Tube and worm is
also producing on the reefs and shoreline but it seems to be a slower
method than previous seasons. Chunkers are getting medium sized bass in the
Sluiceway. Some small to medium sized bass have showed up on the Watch
Hill Reefs. There also has been an occaisional big bass caught from
the DEP Piers.
The bunker have been better this morning in the lower River after a
scarcity of two weeks. Still not too much bait reported to the west of us.
BLUEFISH- The bass have left a void at the Race, Plum Gut and Pigeon
Rip this week and the blues have filled it. There have been some pods of
jumbo blues along the Old Saybrook to Niantic shore and some larger
schools of very small choppers in the same area. Casters from Saybrook
Point, Niantic and the DEP Piers have been getting some good sizes.
FLUKE- Good news, bad news. Good- the fluking is good in the
Connecticut River with fluke up to 7 pounds being caught just a few pints of gas
away. Boat traffic permitting, the channel from North Cove to the
Breakwater has been good with mixed sizes including a few doormats. The
deeper waters, thats 80' plus off Black Point to Hatchetts has also given
up some doormats this week. Bad news-Soundview, Waterford and Long
Sand Shoal are yielding smaller fish with more shorts than keepers.
BLACKFISH- There seems to be a lack of interest this week with not too
much effort for blacks. Most anglers have given up for the summer.
PORGIES- Some good sizes but light on numbers are Hatchetts and
Bartletts, same at Cranes and Hens and Chickens.
BLUE CRABS- Some good reports came in from the Causeway and Oyster
River all indicators are still strong.
HOURS- Monday to Friday 5am-7pm----- Saturday 4am-6pm------Sunday 4am
13th, 2007
STRIPED BASS- Things got a bit slower in bass circles this week. The
usual gathering spots of the Race and Plum Gut aren't giving up a lot of
bass. Some of the closer reefs such as Bartletts and Hatchetts and
occaisionally Long Sand Shoal are yeilding some jumbos on live bait. There
seems to be fewer but larger bass on those reefs. Tube and worm is
also producing on the reefs and shoreline but it seems to be a slower
method than previous seasons. Chunkers are getting medium sized bass in the
Sluiceway. Some small to medium sized bass have showed up on the Watch
Hill Reefs. There also has been an occaisional big bass caught from
the DEP Piers.
The bunker have been better this morning in the lower River after a
scarcity of two weeks. Still not too much bait reported to the west of us.
BLUEFISH- The bass have left a void at the Race, Plum Gut and Pigeon
Rip this week and the blues have filled it. There have been some pods of
jumbo blues along the Old Saybrook to Niantic shore and some larger
schools of very small choppers in the same area. Casters from Saybrook
Point, Niantic and the DEP Piers have been getting some good sizes.
FLUKE- Good news, bad news. Good- the fluking is good in the
Connecticut River with fluke up to 7 pounds being caught just a few pints of gas
away. Boat traffic permitting, the channel from North Cove to the
Breakwater has been good with mixed sizes including a few doormats. The
deeper waters, thats 80' plus off Black Point to Hatchetts has also given
up some doormats this week. Bad news-Soundview, Waterford and Long
Sand Shoal are yielding smaller fish with more shorts than keepers.
BLACKFISH- There seems to be a lack of interest this week with not too
much effort for blacks. Most anglers have given up for the summer.
PORGIES- Some good sizes but light on numbers are Hatchetts and
Bartletts, same at Cranes and Hens and Chickens.
BLUE CRABS- Some good reports came in from the Causeway and Oyster
River all indicators are still strong.
HOURS- Monday to Friday 5am-7pm----- Saturday 4am-6pm------Sunday 4am