07-15-2007, 06:59 PM
Lake LBJ Water Murky, 82 degrees, 824.69'
Largemouth are improved early where you find clear water
in 4'-12' using white Curb's Erratic jigs, perch colored
crankbaits, flipping green-pumpkin tubes and Texas
rigged Big Pigs (Creme Lures') to docks and laydowns.
Stripers to 22" good at night on Creme Lure's 2" Spoiler
Shads and Little Fishies.
White Bass fair to good at night on Little Fishies.
Crappie are fair to good over brush piles in clear water
on Curb's crappie jigs and live minnows.
To book a guided fishing trip w/the only guide
service fishing LBJ for 50 years contact Jim at
JR's Guide Service www.jrguideservice.com.
Call (830) 868-7042 or email jimfiles@moment.net.
Canyon Lake: Water clear; 83 degrees; 910.19':
Largemouth are fair in flooded bushes and grass bank shallow at sunrise on JDC Skip-N-Pop topwaters, watermelon-candy Flukes Texas rigged blue flake 6" worms and Whacky Sticks.
Smallmouth are fair early in 12'- 28' using smoke JDC grubs, and 3/16 oz. pumpkin Curb's jigs w/matching JDC crub trailers.
Stripers are slow to fair trolling across 40' humps and jigging 1 oz. Pirk Minnows at daylight.
White Bass are slow.
Crappie are fair in standing timber on minnows and Curb's jigs.
For lodging info. and to book a guided trip w/the most
experienced, knowledgeable fulltime guides on Canyon
contact JR's Guide Service www.jrguideservice.com.
Call Jim at (830) 868-7042 or email: jimfiles@moment.net.
Choke Canyon: Water Turbid-Murky; 84 degrees
Largemouth are very good for the first 1-1/2 hr. of daylight along mainlake points in 2'-6' using white/chartreuse small profile spinnerbaits, shallow running crankbaits and pumpkin Whacky Sticks w/chartreuse tails.
To book a guided trip for bass contact JR's Guide Service. Call (830) 868-7042 or email Jim at jimfiles@moment.net.
Largemouth are improved early where you find clear water
in 4'-12' using white Curb's Erratic jigs, perch colored
crankbaits, flipping green-pumpkin tubes and Texas
rigged Big Pigs (Creme Lures') to docks and laydowns.
Stripers to 22" good at night on Creme Lure's 2" Spoiler
Shads and Little Fishies.
White Bass fair to good at night on Little Fishies.
Crappie are fair to good over brush piles in clear water
on Curb's crappie jigs and live minnows.
To book a guided fishing trip w/the only guide
service fishing LBJ for 50 years contact Jim at
JR's Guide Service www.jrguideservice.com.
Call (830) 868-7042 or email jimfiles@moment.net.
Canyon Lake: Water clear; 83 degrees; 910.19':
Largemouth are fair in flooded bushes and grass bank shallow at sunrise on JDC Skip-N-Pop topwaters, watermelon-candy Flukes Texas rigged blue flake 6" worms and Whacky Sticks.
Smallmouth are fair early in 12'- 28' using smoke JDC grubs, and 3/16 oz. pumpkin Curb's jigs w/matching JDC crub trailers.
Stripers are slow to fair trolling across 40' humps and jigging 1 oz. Pirk Minnows at daylight.
White Bass are slow.
Crappie are fair in standing timber on minnows and Curb's jigs.
For lodging info. and to book a guided trip w/the most
experienced, knowledgeable fulltime guides on Canyon
contact JR's Guide Service www.jrguideservice.com.
Call Jim at (830) 868-7042 or email: jimfiles@moment.net.
Choke Canyon: Water Turbid-Murky; 84 degrees
Largemouth are very good for the first 1-1/2 hr. of daylight along mainlake points in 2'-6' using white/chartreuse small profile spinnerbaits, shallow running crankbaits and pumpkin Whacky Sticks w/chartreuse tails.
To book a guided trip for bass contact JR's Guide Service. Call (830) 868-7042 or email Jim at jimfiles@moment.net.