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So I'm headed up with my in-laws to Bear Lake. This will be my first trip to the area. I have wanted to get up there for a while now. Anyways, I really want to get my two brother in laws into some fish while up there. I would REALLY like to do some fly-fishing if anyone has any recommendations of the area.
Are there any good rivers in the area? How is the lake fishing? We will most likely be fishing from a canoe...
Any recomendations would be awesome. My brother in laws are pumped to get into some fish, whether it be fly-fishing or spin. They have never really fished, so wherever we will have the most success is where I want to take them.
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You are going to have a tough time fishing at Bear lake from a canoe. You might be able to catch some fish really early in the morning if you fish the East side around Cisco beach. That is the area that drops off the deepest, that is still close to shore, I don't think you want to get too far from shore in a canoe. I have caught cutts and small macks trolling with crocodile(sp?) lures in gold with orange strips. The streams up the canyon from Logan can be good fishing and Tony's grove has been a good small lake to fish in the past with small lures and flies. If it is open you should be able to get your canoe on that lake but some of the local guys could give you better info about it than I can. If Bearlakefishguy doesn't respond to this post, send him a PM, he should be able to answer all you questions and give you some good ideas. Good luck and let us know how you do. WH2
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Tony grove is way low.............more of a swimming hole right now.
Flyfishing the logan river would be my recommendation. Bear Lake is still supporting the power squadrons so plan to be off the water early.
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Hey Canook!
BL is fishing slow for anything right now. Best bet is jigging off the east side at 2nd Point or Cisco Beach as pointed out earlier. Your best bet is fly fishing the Logan River in the "straightaway" section. This is the area upstream of the first cattle guard you come to, and then all the way up to Franklin Basin. Anywhere in that stretch has fish. The higher you go the more cutts you'll see. My favorite dry fly is a size 10 or 12 renegade or parachute coachman, but look at hopper patterns too. The bigger the better! Bear Lake won't begin to turn on until mid-September or so. If you want some small-pond fun, try Laketown Reservoir. Its only about 2 acres, but the fishing has been hot for nice rainbows. Go to Laketown, then go past the service station one block. Turn south on 200 East street and then go up that street about 2 miles. Don't turn off of the street and you'll end up right at the reservoir. Its up a little canyon just south of town. Its been really good for rainbows this past week. Sorry about the bad news on BL fishing, but it just doesn't support a fast summer fishery.
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Have they taken water out of Tony Grove Lake again? I was up there two week ago and it was full!