09-10-2007, 11:55 AM
i use a twist grub to catch:walleye,bass,and catfish.
lures and what there uses are
09-10-2007, 11:55 AM
i use a twist grub to catch:walleye,bass,and catfish.
09-10-2007, 01:42 PM
[crazy] twist grub?
09-10-2007, 07:50 PM
ya its called a twisty grub. i put a orange jighead on it and i troll at 3to4 knots.i also use a 3 pound weight 4 feet lower than the twisty grub.i use a eagle claw 8foot 3 inch open faced rod. and 20lbs test line. you canb catch some honkers! my other favorite is a daredevil spoon with a gobie eye on it. you can catch a masive walleye with it. Just last night i cought a 1foot 5inch walleye. i fish with my dingy in the saint clair river up to the blue water bridge. thats in michigan. tell me some of your tips,tricks,and favorite lures to catch huge fish!
09-10-2007, 07:59 PM
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09-10-2007, 11:58 PM
nice list bassngal
09-11-2007, 09:41 PM
does anyone have any favorite lures!
09-11-2007, 09:42 PM
or tell me some of your cool catches remember please tell me only freshwater fish catches. i like to keep o booklet of where some nice fish are caught. thanx!
09-11-2007, 10:40 PM
Oh, my word. I found a lure, well it is not just a lure it is more of a system. It is the "Trout Magnet" from Lelund Lures. I fish the Trout magnet with the E-Z Float and it really works! The lake I most often fish has no trout to speak of, but lots of crappie and bluegill and they cannot resist the Trout Magnet. One of the things I love about it is that you tie the trout magnet to your line and position the E-Z Float about 12 to 16 inches above and you can tell if the lure is presenting well because as you twitch it if the float presents well the lure does also if the float tends to "sink" a little when you twitch it is an indication that the lure has some weeds on it or is tweaked in a way that does not let it drift well. Which helps me not to waste my time working a lure that is not attractive to the fish. I am fairly new to fishing trout and crappie and such. About 10 years ago I tried to fish for bass in Northern California, but now I am back home in Washington state and trying to catch some of what ever there is. When I was bass fishing one of my favorite lures (A.K.A. most successful) was the Hula Popper...gotta love the way they take a top water lure!
09-12-2007, 01:11 AM
om my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh i love the hula popper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]its so amazing to have that topwater attack that you get when a 2 foot largmouth breaches on your bait!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaa the battle the fun! i love you just for posting that!!!!!!! you are a gift from god my friend!(no affence to the aribs or anything).
09-12-2007, 04:51 AM
Dare Devils
we use them for opening our beer bottles after we had broken all our teeth. "ya, were old timer rednecks. that was before twist off tops, and a little afterwards because we hate change" [laugh] Pike, bass, trout, salmon, walleye, and they even make smaller spoons that are good for pan fish as well. [signature]
11-08-2007, 02:54 AM
hey could you give me some spots on line where i could get hooked up with some, cause me and my son are going walleye fishing next year and where doing some panfishing right now and i would like very much to get hooked up with some new eqipment. but if you get them from a private seller i understand. thanks anyway.
11-08-2007, 03:29 AM
Some of the best lures to land fish with are the ones you tie yourself.
One of the first things my Grandpa (Pop) showed me how to do was to tie the perfect nightcrawler harness. It was our lure of choice for the walleyes up here in Michigan. We also melted down lead pipes and made our own sinkers, split shot, jig heads and spinners. Grandma would have a fit in the winter because me and grandpa would steal a couple spoons out of the kitchen and cut them up and then pound the crap out of them making sweedish pimples for ice fishing. A lot of good times out there in the garage making all that stuff. Almost as good as the fishing itself......... Always an extra sence of pride in a fish landed by a homemade lure. Thanks for teaching me all that stuff pop. I'll never forget it and I'll never forget you. "In memory of Allen (Bud) Cardinal" Saginaw, MI [signature]
11-08-2007, 04:04 AM
look for the Cabela's banner on the left side of this page
Type in the search box on the top of thier site... Dare Devils Dare Devils lures are made only in the state of michigan down by dearborn... you will still have to get them from a sporting goods store... [signature]
11-08-2007, 04:10 AM
I as well enjoy making stuff too,
click on the foot ball pool banner to see one of the leaders I make, I dont make the plastics in the photo, those are made by maniac lures... [signature]
11-16-2007, 08:36 AM
[reply]does anyone have any favorite lures![/reply]
Depends on what I'm fishing for. Tossing iron for Yellowtail and Tuna, I love the Tady jig. For Halibut and Calico it's Strike King or HammerHead swimbaits. For Largemouth Bass, give me a Senko all day (unless there's topwater action then there's nothing better than a fish exploding on your Zara Spook). There ... now you've done it! Now I've got a fishing-jones!![ ![]() [signature]
01-02-2008, 02:02 AM
yea i go to cabelas all the time. me and my son are very fond of that store. i have a cousin that works there so we get a nice discount on anything we want. but any online things? ive tried ebay and amazon. oah! speeking of ebay my sisters friend found a lure and suposidly sold it for 5,000 dollars. i am thinking thats a load of crap i mean 1 lure for 5 grand. anyone have an oppinion on that?
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