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rumar 443 world record bull down in ut.
been fallowing this for a bit. looks like doyle moss did again. 2 differnt stories going around. 1 its the wasatch none typical. the other is its a huge 6x6 typical. no one is going to share pic,s of this bull. they have been put up and deleted. and people have been warned that they will be sued for posting it. just like the big bull last yr. the 228 typical from the book cliffs. it might be on some other hunting pages that moss cant controll. his fingers go deep in mm. his last yrs shed,s[Image: 46ba9a832a9401e7.jpg]
gained around 80 to 100 inches in 1 yr.
Dont get me started on DOyle. He is one of the most unethical hunters I havbe ever seen. In fact I dont consider him a hunter. its all about money with him.
ya i know. i dont hold him high standards as well. but what this post is about is a 443 bull elk. if its true its the biggest elk killed in over 80 plus yrs.
Oh dude, I know what you mean, Sorry to go off on a tangent, I am looking froward to seeing a photo or two of that big boy. I wonder what unit he came out of.
ok story is confirm. bull was north eastern unit. 428 offical green. #1 utah none typical. #2 in the world. but get this a 460 hit the dirt. ya a 460. pic,s just posted. no story yet. but i didnt see any tag,s in its ears. so it probley a fair chase bull. look at the mm elk forum for pic.
ok it is a none type it was killed with bow and will end up #2 in the world. its on kings out doors. no pic,s just the read.
All I can say is WOW! Can't wait to see pics of a bull that size.
There was a big bull taken with Doyle down on the pavant by the town of Holden I believe its somewhere in the 440 s
I agree with you 100 %. I just got off the phone with a buddy last night and he told me that Doyle had used his truck to block off a section of road that you cold not pass. He then told me that a couple of guys who he had no idea who they were, hooked up to his driveline and busted it and pulled it out of the way. That is awesome. I would not want to do that to any hunter, but the way Doyle does it is not right. He is going to die some day because someone is not going to take his crap anymore and leave him out there. Again, I do not wish that on anyone, but he has alot of people who does not like the way he is giving hunting a bad name. Anyway, I heard that story and had a good chuckle. It is all about the money for Moss even if it hurts the integrity of the sport. I would never want to guide for a guy like that, even if the cash was good.
same bull. same guide same crap as last yr...[mad] every yr some one has a run in with them boys. be nice to see a dyi guy beet them to one of the bigguns and take away his payday. or block roads on him. or go into his camp and tell them to leave. i could go on and on. but. they cant all be tall tails. some one will some day take justice. its Sad but comming fourth some day. he could be looking like this in a future video [pirate]!

thanks for sharing. What a Punk. He will get his some day.
I've heard the same crap about this guy. He's one of those that figures to be above the law of ethics.
A good friend of Flycastin and myself owns a trophy bull ranch with imported bulls that score in the 470-480s. These bulls are grown on a farm and pumped with steriods their whole lives and then sold to hunting ranch owners. Some of these bulls will sell for $30,000.
Don't quote me on this but I have sources that say Doyle was involved in buying one of these bulls( maybe a 420 or so) and placing it on public land for a one of his so called hunters to shoot. He did this so that the hunter could have his name high up in the record books. This bull would have been put in the record books as a public land bull but was raised on a farm. Now that is some shizzzzz!!!
As far as I'm concerned he (MOSS) doesn't deserve a comment.
I hear an awful lot about Doyle, but I have never heard anything confirmed.. I think as hunters we should be looking out for each other so tell me what is it about Doyle that bothers you... is he unethical and if so how???? anyone have any confirmed stories to share that would educate us???
if ya want stuff its way easy to find. check the other hunting forums. on mm it dont last long he is family with the founder. but on some of the others wow. to many stries for some not to be true. if its 5 or 6 things in a lifetime. it dont cary mutch weight. but when its 5 to 10 a yr. look at last yrs video. like 13 differnt guides working for him on the same bull???? is this hunting. or harvesting or just killing for ego???? now dont think i dont hunt for big deer and elk for i only hunt the bigguns. i wont even walk a step for a small one. if i dont let them go they wont grow. never setle for less than i would on the first day. its been 10 yrs since my last harvest. its the hunt not the kill for me.
Right on Brother[Wink]
I just seen the pics of doyles elk it is huge check them out before there gone on mm
[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040]Don't think that it will get pulled this time...he already slapped his logo on it.[/#ff4040][/font]
[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040][/#ff4040][/font]
[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040][shocked]It's HUGE! But from what all the stories floating around about it, i'm just not too impressed by it.[/#ff4040][/font]

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