09-15-2007, 12:59 PM
As many of you ice stroller's know 3M and I are ice addicts when the ice cap coats Flaming Gorge (Mack! Mack! Mack!). And while its still early in the season slowly ice season is sneaking up on us. A couple season ago 3M and I put together a very nice hand build portable shanty. Although a tad on the heavy side its been very nice and makes a great base of opperations while spending a couple 3 days and or nights on the cap (because we have machines to tow it). This year we're considering the idea of building smaller more lite weight single person units for those quick day trips or to use away from the big unit when the weather is rough and nasty and a little exploring is needed to locate active fish.
Do you have any plans of building something or up grading your equipment for this coming ice season?.
Do you have any plans of building something or up grading your equipment for this coming ice season?.