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Loss of a fisherman
Well this loss should not have happen...

I have been talking to the state parks for over a year about the docks at Jordanell.. They was or said they was going to put in a dock you can drive your trailer along side so you can step from the dock to your boat and back safely when loading and launching your boat...

And about putting in wakeless buoys in front of coves for fishing and such around the lake...

The one to call is Dave Harris Boating progam Coordinator at Salt Lake City Parks 801-538-7220

To find out why we do not have this...
And when we will....

I just got a call from Jim Herman head of eastern region about changing the docks and buoy lines out from shore and coves at Jordanelle if you like to fish the Nell give him a call and let him know we need more wakeless areas.....The # is 1-435-649-9109 the more calls the sooner we mite get it done....

It's true we do need more wakeless areas at the Nelle but it seems like the people really don't know what wakeless means!!

The jet skiers and boat people need a course on what speed wakeless is and how to read a buoy.

Believe me if they gave out tickets for breaking that law the launching fee could be elinimated.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Except for the wakless problem, how is Jordinelle any different than any other ramp/dock on other waters throughout the state?[/#002850][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]I think I just answered my own question. Willard, when water levels are normal, has a dock like the one you describe.[/#002850][/size][/font]
ok I dont mean to be morbid, but did the lack of a dock contribute to this poor mans death and if it did, how did it contribute???

I am wondering how any more docks or a wakeless area would make water sports any safer...
The guys boat got away from him when he was trying to launch his boat by his self...

If there would have had the type of dock where you back along it so you can step on your boat and unhook it after it is in the water it could not float away....


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