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Reservoirs are very low
I drove by PaliSades last Friday the 14th. According to the USGS
website PaliSades is about 2% full and 120 feet below full pool.
It was lower than I have ever seen it. There was a small Island
by the mouth of the Bear Creek arm by the dam. I might try
fishing American Falls a few hours latter this week. I'll post some
pictures if I go.

This picture shows the dry reservoir bottom just upstream of
Indian Creek. The head of the reservoir started close to the
mouth of Indian Creek.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=29671]

This picture show the big elk creek area.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=29672]

This picture shows "the narrows"
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=29673]
I am wondering how the ice fishing will be this year. It seems like the fish will be concentrated? What does everyone else think.

It is Sad to see anyway you look at it.

Jackson is about the only thing suppling the Snake over there and it's dropping fast. Better pray for a wet winter or it's going to get really ugly next year.
Mackay Reservoir is at 1.3 %
I bet the fishing on PaliSades would be great if you could launch a boat. They will be slowing the flows out of Jackson Lake on the 20th so it may get worse before it gets better. It has really screwed up the late summer fishing on the Snake here in WY and the south fork.

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