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Game Commission Announces Fall Pheasant Stocking Plans
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - The Pennsylvania Game Commission has slated 100,000 ring-necked pheasants for release on public lands throughout the Commonwealth for the upcoming small game hunting seasons, including 16,500 birds for the youth only season (October 6-12).

"Based on agency's budget cuts first implemented in the 2004-05 fiscal year and carried forward since, we reduced our pheasant propagation program by 50 percent," said Carl G. Roe, Game Commission executive director. "Reducing the pheasant propagation program has saved the agency more than one million dollars. Without a hunting license fee increase, we expect to continue producing at the 100,000-bird level.

"Despite the overall reductions, this year our game farm staff had an excellent production season. They have worked hard with limited resources to achieve the goal to have 100,000-birds available for stocking this fall."

The region staff will begin the stocking season Oct. 4, when the agency will release 15,000 birds (8,610 males and 6,390 females) for the youth pheasant hunt scheduled for Oct 6-12. A listing of stocking locations for the youth hunt can be found on pages 26-28 of the 2007-08 Pennsylvania Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations, which is provided to each license buyer. Another 1,500 pheasants have been allocated for those clubs sponsoring mentored pheasant hunts for youth on Oct. 6.

Opening day of the general pheasant hunting season is Oct. 20, and closes on Nov. 24. Preseason releases will consist of 50 percent of the fall allocation, and will be stocked in each region beginning Oct. 17, followed by the first in-season stocking consisting of 25 percent beginning Oct. 24. The second in-season stocking will be held the week of Nov. 7, consisting of another 25 percent. Only male pheasants are legal game in Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) 2A, 2B, 2C, 4C, 4E, 5A and 5B. Male and female pheasants are legal game in all other WMUs.

During the regular fall season, the agency focuses pheasant stocking on State Game Lands and select state parks and federal lands. However, in some areas where habitat conditions on public lands are marginal, birds may be stocked on properties enrolled in the Game Commission public access program. Game Commission regional offices have an updated publication titled A Guide To Pheasant Releases And More, which identifies State Game Lands, and those state parks and federal lands with suitable habitat that receive pheasant stockings. The publication, posted on the Game Commission's website (, can be viewed by selecting on "Hunting" in the left-hand column, clicking on the photograph of the pheasant and then choosing "Pheasant Management Program."

A regional breakdown for the regular season stocking is as follows: Northwest Region, 7,600 males and 11,400 females; Southwest Region, 19,260 males and 5,440 females; Northcentral Region, 4,950 males and 5,650 females; Southcentral Region, 7,950 males and 6,650 females; Northeast Region, 7,530 males and 5,370 females; and Southeast Region 13,430 males and 4,770 females. Regional allocations are based on the amount of suitable pheasant habitat open to public hunting and pheasant hunting pressure.

To offer hunters better information about the stocking schedule, the Game Commission has posted on its website charts for each of its six regions outlining the number of birds to be stocked in each county, the public properties slated to be stocked and a two- to three-day window in which stockings will take place within the counties. To view the charts, go to the Game Commission's website (, select "Hunting" in the left-hand column, clicking on the photograph of the pheasant and then choose "Pheasant Allocation" and click on the map for the county or region of interest.

"As financial considerations have forced us to reduce the number of pheasants we are stocking, it was decided that we should provide hunters with additional information to assist them in deciding when and where to hunt those pheasants stocked," Roe said. He reminded hunters that, two years ago, the agency enacted a regulation aimed at improving safety for agency employees and vehicles involved in pheasant stocking.

"Each year, when Game Commission personnel are releasing pheasants from the stocking trucks, employees and trucks are shot at by unsuspecting hunters in the field. To prevent this, the agency approved a regulation that prohibits hunters from discharging a firearm within 150 yards of a Game Commission vehicle releasing pheasants.

"As we provide better information about when and where stockings will be conducted, we remind hunters that they have an obligation to ensure that no stocking trucks or personnel are in the vicinity."

This year, the late season is scheduled for Dec. 10-22 and Dec. 26-Feb. 9, for Wildlife Management Units 1A, 1B, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4A, 4B, 4D, 5C and 5D. Male and female pheasants are legal game in these WMUs. All other WMUs are closed during these dates.

"We are holding these birds to be released as close as possible to the holiday season so youth can take advantage of going afield during their school break and some business close down for the holidays as well," Riegner said.

For details on the pheasant seasons, please see pages 25-28 of the 2007-08 Digest. For more information about the 18 clubs who sponsored mentored youth pheasant hunts, go to the Game Commission's website (, select on "Hunting" in the left-hand column, then click on the photograph of the pheasant and then choose "Youth Pheasant Hunt Listing." Additional information on the youth pheasant season, which runs Oct. 6-12, is available in News Release #110-07, issued on Aug. 29.

To augment the Game Commission's pheasant stocking program, Roe noted that each January sportsmen's clubs are invited to enroll in the agency's "Pheasant Chick Program." As part of the program, clubs are required to erect appropriate facilities, purchase feed and cover other expenses, and then they can receive pheasant chicks to raise and release for hunting and dog training purposes on lands open to public hunting in their local community.

"This is a wonderful opportunity for sportsmen to get kids involved in raising pheasants and to learn more about wildlife and habitat requirements," Roe said. "Kids can be involved in raising the birds, assist in developing habitat in their community, and help release the pheasants into the wild. Our game farm superintendents can assist sportsmen's clubs by providing technical advice and training to get a facility started.

"We are striving to live within our current revenues. Now, more than ever, we need sportsmen's clubs to help us in many aspects, including raising pheasants."

Also, Richard Palmer, Game Commission Bureau of Wildlife Protection director, reminded hunters that an executive order remains in effect that bans dog training on State Game Lands from the Monday prior to the start of the youth pheasant season until the close of the youth pheasant season, which, for this coming season, translates to Oct. 1-12. The order does not, in any manner, prohibit dog handlers from using dogs as part of a youth-only pheasant hunt activity or for dog training activities on any lands other than State Game Lands. He also noted that this order does not impact dog training activities statewide during the remainder of the year, including general small game seasons.

Facts about the Pennsylvania Game Commission: In 1902, the ring-necked pheasant was classified as a game bird and statewide seasons were established.


Pennsylvania Game Commission Wildlife Conservation Officers (WCOs) and Land Management Group Supervisors (LMSGs) spend a considerable amount of time gathering information about wildlife population trends in their districts. With the hunting and trapping seasons just around the corner, the Game Commission now is sharing that information - through its website - with those who enjoy Penn's Woods.

To view these forecasts offered by Game Commission officers, go to the Game Commission's website (, and click on the "Field Officer Game Forecasts," select the region of interest in the map, and then choose the WCO district of interest from the map. For LMGS reports, select the link to the LMGS Group of interest within that region.

"Our field officers provide wildlife forecasts for small game, furbearers, wild turkey, bear and deer within their respective districts," said Carl G. Roe, Game Commission executive director. "These forecasts are based on sightings field officers have had over the past months leading up to the 2007-08 seasons, and some offer comparisons to previous wildlife forecasts. Some WCOs and LMGSs include anecdotal information, as well as hunting and trapping leads in their districts.

"The Game Commission offers this information to hunters and trappers to help them in making plans for the upcoming seasons. Many WCO and LMGS reports offer information on where to hunt or trap within their districts, as well as guidance on where to get more information, particularly for trapping of certain furbearers, such as beaver and coyotes."

Roe noted that the Game Commission divides the state's 67 counties into six regions, and then each region is divided into WCO districts comprised of about 300 square miles each. There are 136 WCO districts statewide. Each of the 29 LMGS group is comprised of a number of counties or portions of counties within each region, and seeks to equally distribute the amount of State Game Lands and public access lands within the region.

Media Contact:<br />
Jerry Feaser (717) 705-6541 or


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