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Hey all you guests out there[Smile], don't be bashful. Sign up! We don't bight[laugh]. But really, we can use your information, and can help you better with private messages. If you want to check out the site for a few days, that's fine, but really, there is no need to remain a guest on this site.
MountainMan is right !

let me tell you what i like about this site ;

no spam e-mails

no membership fees , this site dosent collect one penny from it's members .

no cussing , no derogitory remarks , all G-rated , we have kids that use the site too !

once you become a member , there's more boards to see and a whole lot more FREE STUFF for you including post of the week and product testers , web sites , email , and friends !

one fantastic bunch of people here always ready to answer any question out there , or just to discuss any particular thing you can imagine . we have regular guys , semi-pros , pro's , guides , charter captins and crew members , rod builders , fly tying people , tubers , computer wiz kids , well the list goes on and on .


these are some of the reasons i signed up , how about giving it a try ? remember , there's no out of pocket expence involved for you to join , our membership is FREE !
For sure lots of info in this site. But I must admit it seems pretty ODD in here, fishermen all tellin' the truth, what's up with that? SMILES

Love Life
aahhhhh well at least 98% the truth!

refreshing, isn't it!


whats up with that, my frend you have just asked the million dollar question.

as you remember growing up folks would tell you tall tails, give you the wrong or misleeding information, this trend has back fired on the industry as a whole. and I mean to the point that so many now are afraid to even admit they even go fishing let alone catch some thing. this has allowed the weasels to get in to the hen house, what I mean by this is that the closed mouth industry kept quiet so long that self serving anti hunting/fishing organizations like peta to step up and make noise. they beleive that if they make enough noise they can nock fishing and hunting down, down to the point where the can get rid of it all together, these are also the same people who would take away your rights to fredom of speach, your rights to own and bare arms. your right to fredom of religion, basicly your rights in genneral, they want to feed you tofurky so that you become so week that you could not stand up to protect your rights let alone your country.

only by being a credible and relient member of the outdoors sportsman will we be able to keep as many people out in the woods on the ponds and lakes forcing issues like clean air, clean water, and safe environments for out children to live in. To do this we must lead by example, do as I do and you will reep the benifits of our collective knollage, tell stories that are misleading you will probably turn away that one voter (youth that will grow up to vote) who would have gone your way on issues vote the other way cause they beleive that spotsmen cant be trusted.
reason two and three,

you may get a tip that you may not have thought of, go out and use it, to find out it works, you just may hang around to tell your fishing adventures here, along with sharing a few pics. in addition you may even envite one of your long lost fishing buddies who have moved out of state to join you here and double the fun.
way to go dave ! you hit the nail square on the head ! this should be the post of the week , month , no , for the year !

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