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Grand Rapids
Went down to 6th street dam for a couple hours on Monday morning. I saw fish swimming down stream on the fish ladder. I think the warm weather must have them a bit confussed or something. Fished for 2 hours. Saw 5-6 fish landed.

Fishing is good if you go when everyone is at work so you don't hit the crowds.

The current fish at the ladder are starting to get dark. Maybe another week or 2 and they will be done unless a new wave come in from the lake. (See pic of the one taken that day)

Good Fishin ~Mike
It looks a little bit fresher than the ones at Tippy !
what , around 18 pounds ?
I too am hoping for a fresh wave to come in , the numbers are showing on the underwater fish cams at the weirs but , doesn't meen they will be fresh .
Ya ' have to head up to Tippy in augest , fishing is a little harder but the fish are really fresh !
I'm taking the boat up to the au sable and hitting all the holes I can .They have to be in there , just gotta work for them .
The Ausable is home away from home for me. I grew up fishing that river with my grandpa. Between the two of us we greatly depreciated the walleye numbers between cook dam and Sid Town.

It's a bit of a hike for me to get up there these days now that I live in Grand Rapids. But if the boat is feeling a bit empty and you want some company (or just someone to handle the net for you) let me know. I'd love to take a float down the ausable again.

I know for sure I'll be in Tawas mid Nov for the whitefish run on the piers.

Good Fishin ~Mike

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