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Shocking fishfinder???
OK, here's a strange one. My brother has a lcx104 lowrance fishfinder, since having this put on his boat he has noticed a decline in his catch rate. He contacted lowrance and they said sonar has no effect on fish.... a couple of weeks ago at lake Powell his son was swimming 15 feet behind his boat and said he was getting shocked, my bro turned off the fishfinder and the shocking stopped they repeated this until there was no doubt it was the sonar (and his son was tired of that game). So has anybody out there had this happen to thier electronics and if so what would cause it?
you might want to check the ground, make sure it's not grounded to the boat, it should be grounded to the negitive side of the battery.
sounds like a strange problem you have. later chuck
check the housing around the transducer too, if it is cracked or anything like that, it may be an exposed wire....if its hull mounted though that all is beside the point.
Thanks for the help, I'll pass along the info

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