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Geese and swans move south
Open: Pheasant, chukar, duck, forest grouse, California quail, mt quail (open in Wheeler, Hood Rvr and Wasco counties) cougar, bear, crow

Ochoco Wildlife District

Antlerless Elk

- Photo by Robert Mutch -<br />
Late November Antlerless elk hunts open Nov. 17 in the Ochoco unit, and portions of the Maury unit. Hunters should come prepared for cold winter weather conditions. The recent bull seasons have scattered herds, and hunters may have to spend considerable time scouting to find elk.

Hunters are reminded the South Boundary and Rager Green Dot Travel Management Areas (TMA) with restrictions on motorized vehicles are in effect in the Ochoco unit. Maps are available at portal signs as you enter the TMA's, or from local ODFW and forest service offices.

Cougar are scattered at all elevations across both public and private lands. With deer numbers are greatest at higher elevations on the Ochoco National Forest; hunters can expect cougar to be present as well. Areas to consider include Lookout and Pisgah Mountains and Sunflower Creek (Ochoco unit) and Green Mountain and Mill Creek (Grizzly unit).

Valley quail numbers appear strong, with the best opportunities on agricultural private lands throughout Crook and Jefferson Counties. Springs, stream areas, and other rangelands with cover and water on the Crooked River National Grasslands and BLM lands would also be good area to check.

Chukar are more limited in distribution, with areas along the Crooked, Deschutes, and John Day Rivers offering the best opportunities. Much of this involves private lands where permission from the landowner is needed.

The best opportunities for blue and ruffed grouse will be on the higher elevations on the Ochoco National Forest. The better areas will be on the heavier forested north slopes across the Paulina and Lookout Mountain Ranger Districts. Hunters are reminded the season closes Nov. 25 in eastern Oregon.

Duck and goose hunters will find most birds present are residents, with migrating birds yet to arrive in any numbers. This area is challenging as most of the better hunting is on private lands. There are limited opportunities on public land around Prineville Res., and along the Crooked River.

The Dalles Wildlife District

Black Bear<br />
Oregon Fish and Wildlife<br />
The Hood unit and the forested portion of White River Wildlife Area can provide excellent opportunity for bear hunters, especially in clear cuts and huckleberry fields. Hunters should focus on still hunting in clearings, spending a good deal of time glassing.

Hunters wishing to pursue cougar should focus their efforts in areas where big game populations are found. The boundary between the White River Wildlife area and the Mount Hood National forest can provide good opportunity.

Grouse wing barrels are scattered around the White River and Hood units to collect wings of blue and ruffed grouse and mt. quail. We ask each successful hunter to contribute a wing and tail off of each harvested bird.

Waterfowl season is now open within the district. The majority of waterfowl hunting opportunities are present on private lands, with a few exceptions along the Columbia and Deschutes rivers.

Upland game birds are found throughout the district. Bird production was fair in the area this year, with populations being at or near the ten year average. Hunters wishing to target pheasant and quail should focus on areas in and around streams or near agricultural areas. Public access can be found on the Lower Deschutes and White River Wildlife areas, as well as BLM property in the Deschutes and John Day canyons. Hunters should be aware that bird hunting is prohibited within ¼ mile of the John Day River from the Columbia upstream to Thirtymile Creek.<br />

Kid's Day at Sunriver Nature Center, Saturday, 11/24, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

A special day just for kids, filled with nature, science talks and activities. Free admission for all children ages 12 and under when accompanied by an adult. More information

Geese and swans move south

Snow Goose<br />
- Photo by Greg Gillson-

The White-fronted Geese moved south several weeks ago but Canada Geese, Snow Geese and Tundra Swans are migrating now. They are often heard overhead before being seen. The flight calls are pretty distinct for each of these species. Look for geese along river corridors and near local wetlands.

Sandhill cranes are also occasionally heard and seen overhead in migration. Their call is easily recognized. Cranes can be seen migrating from Harney Basin, through Warner Basin, the Lake Abert area and south to Klamath Basin and into northern California. They return north starting in mid to late February.

In the central Oregon area, wintering birds are showing up in parks and towns. Varied Thrushes, northern Robins, Cedar Waxwings, Pine Siskins and White-crowned Sparrows are some of the species regularly observed. This time of year Townsend's Solitaire are commonly found calling and singing in juniper and juniper/ponderosa pine habitats in Harney, Lake, Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson counties. Recent sightings of Black and White-winged Scoters, and a Parasitic Jaeger at inland lakes and reservoirs were reported shortly after the windy storm events of mid October. These marine species are often blown inland, into central Oregon, when big storms hit the coast.

Along the Columbia River

Lesser Scaup<br />
- Photo by Greg Gillson-

All along the Columbia large rafts of Canada Geese, Lesser Scaup and American Coots can be seen from the freeway. A great place to jump of the freeway for a closer look is Government Cove which provides a sheltered spot off of the Columbia River for a wide variety of wintering waterfowl, as well as bald eagles and osprey.

Here are directions to Government Cove, City of Cascade Locks. From I-84, westbound Exit 47 E of Cascade Locks; N 0.1 mi across railroad tracks to entrance; eastbound Exit 44; E on Hwy 30 (Wa Na Pa Street) for 1 mi; E on Forest Lane for 2 mi; E for 0.9 mi and cross I-84 overpass; bear left and yield; N 0.1 mi under I-84 overpass; cross railroad tracks to entrance.

Madras Area

Haystack Reservoir, Crooked River National Grasslands, is 10 miles south of Madras can provide a good opportunity to see waterfowl such as common loon, horned grebe, red-necked grebe and eared grebe that stop here during migration. Directions and list of wildlife to see

Prineville Area

Mule Deer<br />
-Washington Dept. of Fish &amp; Wildlife -<br />
This is a good time to view big game, particularly mule deer using private lands along the Crooked River between the eastern end of Prineville Reservoir and the town of Paulina. Drivers will need to turn south off of Hwy. 26 at the east side of Prineville, onto the Post/Paulina highway, with the best viewing between milepost 20 and milepost 60. The largest numbers of animals will be in the early morning or late afternoon, and drivers need to be careful of animals crossing the highway. In addition to big game, viewers will have opportunities to see ducks, geese and a variety of birds of prey.

Recent winter-like weather appears to be triggering increasing movements of winter migrating birds to and through Central Oregon. Local reservoirs offer viewing of waterfowl and shorebirds as they feed, rest and prepare for fall migrations. Flocks of Canadian geese and ducks have been using the mudflats at the eastern end of Ochoco and Prineville Reservoir. Ochoco Reservoir is visible from Hwy. 26, eight miles east of Prineville. Migrating and wintering birds of prey are on the increase, with sightings of Redtail Rough-legged, and Swainsons Hawks; Northern Harriers; bald and golden Eagle; and Kestrels increasing.

The Crooked River between Bowman Dam and Prineville offers spectacular cliff scenery interspersed with close views of the Crooked River. Bald and golden eagles frequent this stretch of river and use the cliffs and pine trees for perching and roosting. Otter, beaver, raccoons and a variety of waterfowl and wading birds are also present in the river.

Black-tail Deer<br />
Oregon Fish and Wildlife<br />
The Dalles, Mid-Columbia Region and Northern Wasco County

Black-tailed deer

Black-tail deer rut will increase activity periods daily for deer, although the best viewing periods are still early morning and evening. If you are interested in viewing rutting black-tail, focus your efforts on the national forest, especially at lower elevations near the transition between the oak and pine forests.

To see migrating waterbirds, as well as raptors, deer and passerines, visit Pine Hollow Reservoir, which is located near the town of Wamic and ODFW's White River Wildlife Area


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