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hunter died
[indent][indent]Illinois Man Killed While Deer Hunting In Wisconsin
MORE DETAILS: <[url ""][/url]>[/indent][/indent]
Personaly I dont understand how a twig could set off the trigger when the safty was in place or the other hunters finger was in the triger...

at the vary least it is neglagent homiside for failure to follow safe hunting pratices.... What I mean is if you dont have time to turn off the safty mechinism befor shooting at a deer you dont have time to shoot the deer.....

so if the safty was off then his finger must have been on the trigger ready to shoot... or the safty should have been on there for the twig could not have pulled back on the trigger...

[li]more hunting news from wisconson...[/li]
[li]November 19, 2007: [url ""]Amid Ongoing CWD Concerns, Gun Deer Hunting Season Begins[/url] [li]November 19, 2007: [url ""]DNR: Successful, Safe Start To Gun Deer Hunt[/url] [li]November 19, 2007: [url ""]Hunter's Wayward Bullet Narrowly Misses Teen In Parked Car[/url] [li]November 17, 2007: [url ""]Deer Hunt Opens With Good Weather Forecast[/url] [li]November 16, 2007: [url ""]Gun Deer Hunting Season Starts Saturday[/url] [li]November 13, 2007: [url ""]New Steps Being Taken To Ease Tensions Between White, Hmong Hunters[/url] [li]November 12, 2007: [url ""]More Wisconsin Hunting Accidents Involve Younger Hunters[/url] [li]November 12, 2007: [url ""]DNR Advises Hunters Not To Transport Firewood[/url] [/li]

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