01-18-2008, 02:52 PM
We’re a couple weeks away from releasing the Spring 2008 issue of Kayak Angler magazine. We’ve been tossing around ideas of ways to showcase the best of kayak fishing across America — we want to show what’s going on coast to coast?
We’ve come up with the “C.P.R.—Catch, Photograph, Release” column, our new reader photo gallery. What better way to see what’s biting across the country than in pictures sent in by you? It goes along way for bragging rights too, we figure.
Send an email with a couple of your best photos attached. Please include some details like: who, what, where (you don’t have to be specific), when and how. Send to: editor@kayakanglermag.com
You’ll be able to check out the best of “CPR” in the Spring Issue of Kayak Angler early February.
Have a great day,
Scott MacGregor
Kayak Angler
We’re a couple weeks away from releasing the Spring 2008 issue of Kayak Angler magazine. We’ve been tossing around ideas of ways to showcase the best of kayak fishing across America — we want to show what’s going on coast to coast?
We’ve come up with the “C.P.R.—Catch, Photograph, Release” column, our new reader photo gallery. What better way to see what’s biting across the country than in pictures sent in by you? It goes along way for bragging rights too, we figure.
Send an email with a couple of your best photos attached. Please include some details like: who, what, where (you don’t have to be specific), when and how. Send to: editor@kayakanglermag.com
You’ll be able to check out the best of “CPR” in the Spring Issue of Kayak Angler early February.
Have a great day,
Scott MacGregor
Kayak Angler