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243 pound carp
Hey did any of you see the article in Mays Field & Stream? On page 19 the have an article "Monsters of the Mekong". They have a picture of a 243 pound carp that a local fisherman had caught. Say that there are catfish over 600 poudns and fresh water ray of 14 feet. Along with that they say there are over 150 species of smaller fish. I guess the big ones need something to eat. Anyone for a trip to Cambodia?

Fishforfun. You should register and join the group at BFT.

Good Fishing, Kayote
i cant beleave it thats amazing
243 pounds i have never hurd of a carp that big before
Welcome to BFT fishforfun. Is it the fish that would keep you out of the water or something else? I myself would love a chance at a 200 pound carp or catfish. What a balst that would be!
[cool]Here's the pic. It's a "blue carp". Forget "JAWS". Look out for "LIPS"

[Image: Big%20Carp.jpg]

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