02-17-2008, 10:05 AM
we spent friday night in green river, minala was booked. roads were covered in snow in the morning on the way to lucern. started walking at about 7:00 to our spot and to our supprize we had the bay to ourselves besides one outher person. drilled my two holes together and begun to fish. the temp was freezing, and the wind was blowing pretty good, every time i whiped the ice off of my line i would jig it once and the freaking ice would stick to the line again brrrrrr.. my freinds set up there ice tent while i kneeld down to fish. nice and warm in there tent i whatched and payed close attention to the rod tip jelous at times. finaly at 8:30 the wind was to much so i put on the heavy gloves stood up and put my back to the wind.and started to keep concentrating on the perfect presentation, no longer than five minutes a bite, i set the hook and fish on. my freinds come running out of there warm shack and seen the pole bending all the way down to fish heaven. after a 15 min run we get to see the fish and it looks like it might beat the pup mark, my freind kneels down to grab it and off it go's. two 8" holes side by side was not looking like a good fit. after five more runs i get him to the hole agian, this time my freing rolls his sleves up and i get the perfect head tilt strait up the hole that he can grab it. 32 1/2 inches. we didnt get a wieght though i was in to big of a hurry to get it back into the water. but i was lucky enough to get a pic on my freinds phone. estimated wieght was 22- 25 pounds. and as i released it my freinds about craped ther pants! if it would have been my first good sized mac i might have kept it but i got lucky and had a great guide take me out{tarpon jim} and seen my first big one come and go. thats why i believe in a great guide with great morals. when it came to my first one on my own there wasent one moment that i thought i would keep it. THANKS JIM. and today i passed it on to the people i went out with. PASS IT ON. my outher freind had two bites and no hook ups so that was it for the macs. later on we went to manila to get our wyo stamps to give it a shot for the burbots. we went to the first road north of buckboard drove down it in my freinds- freind's subero and got stuck bad high centerd. it took us two hours of hard work and we finaly got out of there. after that we headed to buckboard like ashly has recomended. started out strait out south from the docks to a piont in 30ft of water nothing so we moved next to the boat ramp where we seen 20 previous holes drilled... nothing now its dark so we decided to put the tent out on the end of the dock we fished until 9:30 pm no bites. but it was still fun. i must give a big hand to ashley for his hard work this year trying to put everyone that has asked him on some fish even though i didnt hook up with a burbot this trip. he has worked his a## off trying to help out every one that needed a little guidence.