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Recon: Pre Season Prep..
Just thought I would throw out the idea on scouting the shorelines of local reservoirs while the water levels are still low from the severe drought.

Take your GPS to the points, drop offs, brush piles, wash-outs and any structure that will be underwater after the runoff. That little two foot drop-off, clump of brush, etc. will be added to your hot spots.
I know the softwater anglers [Image: fish-on.gif] are getting a bad case of bass fever and maybe this will give them something to do before soft water comes...
Good idea Craig, I wish I had done that a few years back when Willard was so low but I thought I could remember them. That did not work out so good, it got me close but it takes away from the fishing when your searching for the exact spot[unsure].
Yep - Deer Creek is the one I need to get the GPS spots marked.

With the water so low you could walk out on the upper end and mark every potential fish holding spot - you might even pile up some rocks & make your own fish holding attraction.

Other places would be Echo, Rockport, Yuba shoreline (all that brush will be under water for the first half of the year), and anyother reservior that has low H20.

Heck if you only use your GPS for hunting and boat fishing it's time to add to your waypoints.

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