03-07-2008, 12:10 AM
7 & 8: Stars Over the Wichitas Tour at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. The public is invited to participate in an evening with the stars. Participants will search and locate major constellations and other heavenly bodies with assistance from an amateur astronomer. Bring your own optics, or view the night skies through a 13" Dobsonian telescope. The two-hour program begins 30 minutes after sunset. Participants should meet at the Boulder/Lost Lake picnic area entrance gate. Reservations, which are required, may be made by calling the Visitor Center at (580) 429-3222. A $5 reservation fee per participant is collected prior to the program.
8: Tulsa Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation 20th Annual Big Game Banquet - "Pass It On" for Wildlife at the Tulsa Convention Center (100 Civic Center, Downtown Tulsa). For information and tickets contact: Mitch Bray at (918) 407-7542. Due to reserve dinner and seating, no tickets will be sold at the door. Tickets: $55 for single meal; $75 for couples meal; $10 for kids meal; $20 for each additional adult meal. Includes dinner, annual supporting membership in the RMEF, one-year subscription to the RMEF "BUGLE" Magazine and a RMEF decal.
8: Oklahoma Station Chapter of Safari Club International 23rd Annual Awards Banquet and Charity Fundraiser. 6:30 p.m. at The National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum located 1700 N.E. 63rd St. Oklahoma City 73111. Registration starts at 5:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased in advance through Thursday, March 6 for $75 or at the door for $100. To purchase tickets or for further information, contact Verilea Faust at (405) 721-7229 or 1-800-405-3580 or e-mail faust4v@pldi.net. For questions relating to the hunts that will be auctioned, contact Safari Club director Mike Mistelske at mjmistelske@yahoo.com.
8: The Oklahoma Fur Bearers Alliance 2008 fur auctions will be held at the Okmulgee County Fairgrounds, Okmulgee. For more information, contact John Weygandt at (918) 645-5667.
10: Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission regular meeting. Meetings are held monthly at the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Building (auditorium), 1801 N. Lincoln, Oklahoma City, OK at 9 a.m.
11: Dutch oven cooking for beginners and experienced Dutch oven enthusiasts at Sportsmen's Warehouse (2301 West Memorial Rd.) Class runs from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. For more information contact Bill Shipley at (405) 302-4800.
12: A public meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the High Plains Technology Center in Woodward to gather input from hunters and other wildlife enthusiasts about the possible lease or sale of Cooper Wildlife Management Area for wind power development. The Wildlife Conservation Commission, the governing board that sets policy for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, has created a subcommittee to look at wind power issues and make a recommendation to the full Commission regarding specific offers the Wildlife Department may receive for purchase or lease of its properties.
15: The Oklahoma City Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will hold their annual banquet and fundraiser at the Sportsman's Country Club 4001 N.W. 39th St. OKC. Banquet tickets including meal and membership, Single $65; couples $95. Free Buck Knife w/sheath with new or renewed membership when attending the banquet. For additional information contact: Gayle Steele at steelmg@osu.okc.edu.
16: Woodward Archers 3-D Shoot. Range directions: from 48th St and Oklahoma Ave go one mile west, turn left off Hwy 15, go south two and one half miles west. For more information, contact Ed Kinney at (580) 256-3320 or Frank Patterson, Jr. at (580) 256-6613. Memberships available; shoots are open events. Sign-in begins at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 2:30 p.m.'
18: Bluebird Bob Walshaw will present a hands-on seminar on bluebirds and how to deal with house sparrows at 7 p.m. at Bass Pro Shops in Broken Arrow. This program will be held in the upstairs meeting room, is free and open to the public, and door prizes will be awarded.
21: Oklahoma History Center Field, Forest & Stream Student Nature Photography Contest. This contest is open to students grades 1-12. Photographs must be 8x10 prints. Entries may not be emailed. Employees of the Oklahoma Historical Society and their immediate family members are ineligible. Entries must be postmarked by March 21, 2008. Entries that are late, incomplete, or fail to comply with contest guidelines will not be accepted. Click here to download the entry form.
22: Tulsa Fly Fishers is sponsoring a family event entitled "ONE FOR THE ILLINOIS RIVER" on the Illinois River just below the Tenkiller Dam. The Play Day will include instruction for fly casting, tying, and fishing. Music, raffles, prizes, and prize-winning barbeque will be available. All proceeds will be donated to improve access, habitat, and water quality of the Illinois River. Everyone is invited to attend, and admission is free. Please bring your own chairs. This celebration for the river is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Further information is available on the website TulsaFlyFishers.org.
22: Oklahoma Youth Hunter Education Challenge will be held at the Chain Ranch, Canton. Youth who have completed their hunter education certification are invited to participate. For more information contact Carey Pribil at (405) 613-8755 or yhec.org.
27-30: The Fourth Annual Oklahoma Selfbow Jamboree hosted by the Rutter family. The farm has a three-acre pond next to the campsite where those who wish can fish. A small covered pavilion will serve as the center of activities. Portable outhouses will be provided, and limited trailer camping is available. There is sufficient room for primitive (tent) camping, and families are welcome. There will be lots of activities going on all weekend long. Other than holding a Clout Shoot to raise money to offset expenses incurred in hosting this event, nothing formal is currently scheduled. However, demonstrations/participations for building selfbows, BBOs, river cane arrows, and flint knapping are being planned. So bring your tools, or just your willingness to learn. For directions and additional information go to ojam.org.
28: Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation standardized employment exam at Rose State College. Testing begins at 10 a.m. No one will be admitted after that time. A photo ID is required for admission.
28 & 29: National Wild Turkey Federation Owasso Chapter presents a Women in the Outdoors Event. The event will be held at Camp Okiwanee in Sapulpa. The event is for women 14 and older. To register or for more information contact Pattie Bing at (918) 224-8097 or pjbing1@juno.com.
31: Deadline to submit images for the Outdoor Oklahoma magazine reader's photography show case.
7 & 8: Stars Over the Wichitas Tour at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. The public is invited to participate in an evening with the stars. Participants will search and locate major constellations and other heavenly bodies with assistance from an amateur astronomer. Bring your own optics, or view the night skies through a 13" Dobsonian telescope. The two-hour program begins 30 minutes after sunset. Participants should meet at the Boulder/Lost Lake picnic area entrance gate. Reservations, which are required, may be made by calling the Visitor Center at (580) 429-3222. A $5 reservation fee per participant is collected prior to the program.
8: Tulsa Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation 20th Annual Big Game Banquet - "Pass It On" for Wildlife at the Tulsa Convention Center (100 Civic Center, Downtown Tulsa). For information and tickets contact: Mitch Bray at (918) 407-7542. Due to reserve dinner and seating, no tickets will be sold at the door. Tickets: $55 for single meal; $75 for couples meal; $10 for kids meal; $20 for each additional adult meal. Includes dinner, annual supporting membership in the RMEF, one-year subscription to the RMEF "BUGLE" Magazine and a RMEF decal.
8: Oklahoma Station Chapter of Safari Club International 23rd Annual Awards Banquet and Charity Fundraiser. 6:30 p.m. at The National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum located 1700 N.E. 63rd St. Oklahoma City 73111. Registration starts at 5:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased in advance through Thursday, March 6 for $75 or at the door for $100. To purchase tickets or for further information, contact Verilea Faust at (405) 721-7229 or 1-800-405-3580 or e-mail faust4v@pldi.net. For questions relating to the hunts that will be auctioned, contact Safari Club director Mike Mistelske at mjmistelske@yahoo.com.
8: The Oklahoma Fur Bearers Alliance 2008 fur auctions will be held at the Okmulgee County Fairgrounds, Okmulgee. For more information, contact John Weygandt at (918) 645-5667.
10: Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission regular meeting. Meetings are held monthly at the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Building (auditorium), 1801 N. Lincoln, Oklahoma City, OK at 9 a.m.
11: Dutch oven cooking for beginners and experienced Dutch oven enthusiasts at Sportsmen's Warehouse (2301 West Memorial Rd.) Class runs from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. For more information contact Bill Shipley at (405) 302-4800.
12: A public meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the High Plains Technology Center in Woodward to gather input from hunters and other wildlife enthusiasts about the possible lease or sale of Cooper Wildlife Management Area for wind power development. The Wildlife Conservation Commission, the governing board that sets policy for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, has created a subcommittee to look at wind power issues and make a recommendation to the full Commission regarding specific offers the Wildlife Department may receive for purchase or lease of its properties.
15: The Oklahoma City Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will hold their annual banquet and fundraiser at the Sportsman's Country Club 4001 N.W. 39th St. OKC. Banquet tickets including meal and membership, Single $65; couples $95. Free Buck Knife w/sheath with new or renewed membership when attending the banquet. For additional information contact: Gayle Steele at steelmg@osu.okc.edu.
16: Woodward Archers 3-D Shoot. Range directions: from 48th St and Oklahoma Ave go one mile west, turn left off Hwy 15, go south two and one half miles west. For more information, contact Ed Kinney at (580) 256-3320 or Frank Patterson, Jr. at (580) 256-6613. Memberships available; shoots are open events. Sign-in begins at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 2:30 p.m.'
18: Bluebird Bob Walshaw will present a hands-on seminar on bluebirds and how to deal with house sparrows at 7 p.m. at Bass Pro Shops in Broken Arrow. This program will be held in the upstairs meeting room, is free and open to the public, and door prizes will be awarded.
21: Oklahoma History Center Field, Forest & Stream Student Nature Photography Contest. This contest is open to students grades 1-12. Photographs must be 8x10 prints. Entries may not be emailed. Employees of the Oklahoma Historical Society and their immediate family members are ineligible. Entries must be postmarked by March 21, 2008. Entries that are late, incomplete, or fail to comply with contest guidelines will not be accepted. Click here to download the entry form.
22: Tulsa Fly Fishers is sponsoring a family event entitled "ONE FOR THE ILLINOIS RIVER" on the Illinois River just below the Tenkiller Dam. The Play Day will include instruction for fly casting, tying, and fishing. Music, raffles, prizes, and prize-winning barbeque will be available. All proceeds will be donated to improve access, habitat, and water quality of the Illinois River. Everyone is invited to attend, and admission is free. Please bring your own chairs. This celebration for the river is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Further information is available on the website TulsaFlyFishers.org.
22: Oklahoma Youth Hunter Education Challenge will be held at the Chain Ranch, Canton. Youth who have completed their hunter education certification are invited to participate. For more information contact Carey Pribil at (405) 613-8755 or yhec.org.
27-30: The Fourth Annual Oklahoma Selfbow Jamboree hosted by the Rutter family. The farm has a three-acre pond next to the campsite where those who wish can fish. A small covered pavilion will serve as the center of activities. Portable outhouses will be provided, and limited trailer camping is available. There is sufficient room for primitive (tent) camping, and families are welcome. There will be lots of activities going on all weekend long. Other than holding a Clout Shoot to raise money to offset expenses incurred in hosting this event, nothing formal is currently scheduled. However, demonstrations/participations for building selfbows, BBOs, river cane arrows, and flint knapping are being planned. So bring your tools, or just your willingness to learn. For directions and additional information go to ojam.org.
28: Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation standardized employment exam at Rose State College. Testing begins at 10 a.m. No one will be admitted after that time. A photo ID is required for admission.
28 & 29: National Wild Turkey Federation Owasso Chapter presents a Women in the Outdoors Event. The event will be held at Camp Okiwanee in Sapulpa. The event is for women 14 and older. To register or for more information contact Pattie Bing at (918) 224-8097 or pjbing1@juno.com.
31: Deadline to submit images for the Outdoor Oklahoma magazine reader's photography show case.