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I was wondering what Chronic Wasting Disease (TSE) might have on the hunters and non hunters here. Will you continue to hunt elk and deer or find something else to do. If you haven't done your homework then I'd check out the CWD Alliance page [url ""][/url]
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you may want to try this question on our sister site [url ""] [/url]
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hey dave boy thats somethin ain,t it??? never heard of this one!! would make me some nervous to be eatin the meat whether ya bone it out in the right place or not and the states won,t check it out for ya but they take the money for resident and nonresident huntin licences huh?? well that sucks. makes me want to hunt there. don,t think so george. which way did he go george.????? haha to me it almost has the signs of a deer rabies??? the wantin water the saliva the effectin the brain and nervous,system, spinal cord??? don,t it to you???? what you figure???
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Lou This disease is much worse than Rabies and the symptons are different. It's easy to identify a CWD infected animal during the late stages but during the first 3 or 4 years they act just like every other deer or elk out there. If you want your animals tested the state has programs thru labs for around 20 dollars. You might not think this is a serious problem but you and everybody in America will have to deal with it sooner or later. The disease itself is a Transmittable spongiform encephalopathy which basically transforms the brain into what looks like a spong. The only way to test it is to kill the animal and take a sample or cut the tonsils out but this method is impractical and expensive. CWD is thought to derive from Scrapie (sheeps version) or what most people know about mad cows disease which killed hundreds of people and thousands of animals. If you lived in south central Wisconsin then you would know about the 50,000 deer killed to slow the spread of CWD. I'm not advocating anybody to stop hunting but to inform and educate people to protect themselves.
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oh i hear ya about educatin people but i was just tyrin to understand what is causin it as well. that,s why i said what i said bout the difference betwixt there and here. and i do believe it is a terrible diesease. my god i just never herd of such a thing, i do wish i could help somehow. i love my animals wild and pets sometimes more than humans and it kills me to think of this goin on. the tb one said they froth at the mouth git disoriented too at the end and that was what i meant bout the rabies thing. like a deer one. i didn,t think deer vould git rabies it didn,t look like they have made any progress in findin out a cure yet??? i,m terrible sorry it is awful. do they have any of those radiation places out there??? like they do in new york?? i haven,t had enough coffee to think this mornin. haaha maybe that?? chemicals on the soil or the feed they,re puttin out? a plant their eatin?? just tryin to git a drift on it too. later mare
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Lou I'm glad your interested in CWD. I understood the rabies comment and agree but their is other signs that indicate a infected animal. The foaming or saliva running out is something easily observable.
In the past couple of years the nobel prize has been give on research about prions. Prions are what turns the proteins in the brain and give it the spong form.
The disease was thought to originate from a research facility in Colorado. The scientists had deer and sheep, which were thought to had Scrapie, (sheeps version of CWD or TSE) which was never proven but scientist have shown that CWD can mutate like Mad cows disease in human brain tissue.
This is main reason everybody is getting on the ball and trying to learn why and how this disease kills deer and elk. Mule deer aren't infected as fast as white tails so if you might want to be carefull with any deer killed. I know after countless hours of research on CWD I'm taking some safety precautions like gloves or leting the camp gutter do the work.
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hi there, as of yet here in vermont we haven,t seen any signs like this. thank god. but who knows. you don,t know what started that, it could just as well start up here too. i,d hate to have it here. well thanks for the info, i caught a nice brown today11 haha later mare