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mc-east canyon
Wanted a fresh fish sandwich! Well the fish wouldnt quite calling my name so i came up with an excuse and left work at noon [cool]to arrive by 2:30 at the back of the lake after catching the fish and game at the park and buying my new yearly state park pass (the only way to go). I didnt even need the coupon out of the reg book they just asked for my license and gave me the discount. Went back to the big rock and fished off that point by the ice (which is melting nicely). I had bites right off the bat and fed em for a while then got serious cause i didnt want to be to long, wanted to get home in time to cook em up and have dinner. All fish gods lined up and i was on the road by 5pm heading home with my 4 trout for dinner. They were hungry thats for sure, only one was caught on the lip the other three all swallowed and one swallowed both my baits. They still had sores on em, some had the black spots and one had like open sores on it. Two had snubbed noses and the little one had fins all gone almost. The little one that was the ugliest also had white meat verses the pink meat on the others. They werent the prettiest fish i've ever caught but they sure were tasty. [Wink] They were eating up my chartreuse power bait. I tried a spinner but on about my third cast my line just snapped and good bye to everything. I'm sick of tired of buying line and finding out its old, guess i should of checked it before putting it on my pole, it was brand new line bought from sportsmans and i could grab it a break it in my hands with little attempt. So needless to say i was down to one pole but that was all that was needed anyway. I did take a pic of my limit but it is still in my digital. Getting ready to go to San Diego (saltwater fishin-yippee [cool])on sunday so probably wont be able to post em but will add it to my gallery later. The fish caught were all rainbows. There was a gentleman there with his tube fly fishing but he didnt catch any even though they were jumping all around him,(quite entertaining). I fished the bottom with my bait up off it about 12-16in. It was sooooo beautiful out there, we were surrounded by geese and they had their babies with em and they wouldnt shut up.(though i didnt mind at all) A whole bunch of em flew right over me real low and i swear i could feel the breeze from their wings and the sound was fanominal. It was deeper(water) than i thought back there. ok gotta go boss coming. Wanna play hooky again dangit and go [fishon]
Was this last night????
I was fishing by the big rock last night with three other guys and we caught about 30 in a few hours. We also landed some big suckers. Never saw a guy in a tube. The report and pics are coming later today.
yeah it was last night! There was one guy there when i left so you must of come later. If i was in the habit of catching fish for the numbers(30) i'm sure i could of pulled off the same feat but I was strictly fishin for dinner. The guy in the tube left before i did so i'm sure you wouldnt of seen him. The bites were coming faster and faster so Good on Ya and your 30!!
I can see that you were very happy with this fishing trip, and not just because of fishing and the fish. If you are so concerned with the age of the line and quality, you should just change to braided line. Buy 6-12 lb PowerPro braided, and it will last you for at least 4-5 years with no problems.

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