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South fork of the Snake
I am planning a trip to float the south fork the 24th of April, and I am just wondering how the snow pack is in the area. Are the boat launches free from snow yet? How are they looking? Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks much
People are starting to float the stretch of river around heise down to the lorenzo bridge.

I hit the south fork between the heise bridge and twin bridges yesterday. There were people floating past me as I fished, and I also noticed about four trucks with trailers at the lorenzo pullout earlier that morning.

As for the fishing, I did alright, but nothing of size. It was fun to catch a few cut's on a blue dun dry fly though.

Sorry if you are looking for more info upstream, I'm guessing they are clear, but have no factual evidence.
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Thanks for the info, that is good to know. I am looking to do the canyon section if anyone has any information on that.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]It would be greatly appreciated. [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Thanks again,[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Kris[/size][/font]
The water levels at the Lorenzp bridge looked pretty low when I crossed. I'm sure that would apply upstream in the canyon as well, and it would be a long slow float from Swan Valley to Byington. I'm not sure if you can drive up the road on the North side of the river to access those launch/takeout areas, but I would suggest that you get more information before you embark.
Thanks I guess I will call BLM and some other sources to get more details, thanks
I can not say much about the canyon section, but I fished above Heise yesterday and caught three white fish and a couple small trout. They were not really turned on in the section that I was fishing. A few fish were rising to midges but nothing consistent.

Has anyone been up this way lately. We are looking for a place to go this weekend, likely Saturday afternoon.
I floated the canyon stretch on Sunday...[frown]

Other than a beautiful day the fishing was poor... couldnt even get a whitefish to bite... We threw the kitchen sink at them and notta... Water was mirky with lots of moss coming down from the recent increased flows... maybe it will improve now that the flows have been around 2500 cfs for a week or so. The turkeys were gobbling and the eagles were entertaining but fishing was piss-poor!!!

Ramps are all open and clear. Make sure to call ahead for shuttles...
Where did you hear the gobblers? My kid has a tag and am always looking for talkative birds.

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