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Live Bait Prices
I have to wonder about the prices charged for live bait this year .
I can understand aquatic bait prices taking a jump due to new regulations concerning the viral epidemic . The worm and larva prices are an outrage I feel . Shure gas pricing will effect the cost of transporting baits to the local baitshops , but $5.00 a dozen ? That is a little over the top in my opinion . An ounce of worms would equal the cost of a good T-bone steak or porterhouse from the local market .
It's not just one supplier that has increased the costs of live bait to these outlandish numbers , it is all of them .
I have seen worm farms , witnessed how worming is done , and have an understanding about the operations of a big business when raising the baits .
We are being overcharged .
My plans are simple to cut fishing costs when it comes the the most popular methoud used to attract a fish , catch them myself .
An old cooler , a couple shovels of dirt , some stale bread to feed them and a flashlight on a spring evening just after a rainstorm and I'm set for the summer .

I plan on saving those hard earned greenbacks to buy a nice steak for a surf and turf dinner for myself .

What are the bait prices in your area ?
I'm starting a crawler box in the flower bed this year as well. Just be sure to put a couple holes in the bottom of the cooler. Otherwise the water will build up and they will drown.

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