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Acrobatic Cats
I saw the weirdest thing last night. My wife went to the gym, so I grabbed my rod and flew on down to the Jordan river outlet at Utah Lake to flip a few jigs for an hour or so before dark. The usual crowd was there so I crossed the wire bridge and fished the far side. The water gate was open on that side and there was some pretty turbulent water boiling out. I was fishing just below that, and out of the corner of my eye, I kept seeing something in the "rapids". I thought it might have been a carp coming through the gate, but as I watched closely it was a couple BIG channels that were jumping up stream into the current. I felt like I was in Alaska watching the salmon run. This continued for a couple of minutes, then they both turned and swam downstream. Now it makes sense to me, moving water bringing food, but this was whitewater. Maybe its the spawn? Anybody ever see this before?
[cool][#0000ff]"Channel" cats are named for their preference for moving water. Their natural habitat is flowing water, and they have the instinct to swim upstream to spawn, just like salmon and other species. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As you witnessed, they will make an attempt to leap low falls and they can navigate some surprisingly swift currents. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Now, if only they would "take some air" when you hook them, they would be more popular than trout. Yeah, right.[/#0000ff]
[shocked] i saw them too but i thought there were golden trout (carp)
I saw this too.. it made me laugh.. I watched a big 6-7#r jump out high into the air only to smash into the steel gate and leave a streak of slime as he slid back into the water.

Kind of drove home my quote in my signature.[sly]

I wonder how many times that guy had smashed into the wall..

I stopped by there this morning real quick, his slime streak is still there[laugh]

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