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Common Carp
[size 1]In an effort to help each other get on the fish, we will be adding a series of posts entitled by the type of fishing we are targeting and would like all users who wish to include their "favorite way to catch these fish", "favorite spots" (doesn't have to be exact), "favorite guides for these fish", "tackle tips", "recommended tackle", "beginner tips", "boating techniques" or any other information you feel would be helpful to other anglers targeting this type of fish.[/size]

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
[size 1]I went out trout fishing this morning and hooked in to this polish trout. (Carp)

41 pounds 14 ounces 36 inches in lenth.

sorry I could not get me and the fish in the pic. two fat hogs just wont fit in a picture the picture frame...

I caught this with a fly and a cernal of corn. the fly is still in his mouth. sorry for the battle wounds, He hit a few obsticles on the way in. one hour and 7 minutes to land on an elleven pound test line... [/size] [center][url ""][size 1][Image: MESS3307CustomImage2939313.jpg][/size][/url][/center] [center]click on pic to see larger veiw[/center] [center]This carp was caught may 10th 2003 around 7 am[/center]

Hey there davetclown,

Excellent catch. Did you look up exactly what kind of carp er polish trout he or she was? There's a whole bunch of different carp here in the US. I wonder if you caught a common carp?

Big Bear Lake,CA has these huge carp and bowhunting the poor things is allowed. In California, if a grass carp is caught it must be returned unharmed to the water so those big un's are no grass carp. I'm in the process of finding out their scientific name.

You livin' in Big Bear City? Hey, my step-dad used to live there. I grew up just down the road in hell... err... Barstow. What a small world! Never did do any fishing out there. Didn't start fishing 'til about two years ago here in Minnesota.

So far I've caught four common carp at Coon Rapids Dam. The first one was "the one that got away". I had forgotten the correct way to tie a knot (what do you expect from a beginner). Without a net, I tried to lift it out of the water with the line and hook. The knot slipped out, the hook and fish were gone. I'm estimating that this one was around 15 lbs. The other three I caught this year. Nothing spectacular. The first one was just a baby, maybe 2 lbs. The 2nd one was fun, it took off downstream. What a fight! It was fun trying to get him back up to where I was against the current. Third one was a 5 foot log. Once I replaced that hook with one that wasn't bent, I cast back out and pulled in a 5 pounder.

They're fun if you're fishing for whatever will take your bait!

Hey there DrownedDesertRat,

Love your board name! I live in Long Beach, a two hour drive from Big Bear Lake. Barstow, yikes Modesto, Oildale all these little towns that are a little piece of he..... heaven. At least in the summer.

Carp are fun. How many knots do you have in your knot arsenel? Even though it depends on what kind of line you use and fish sought, you ought to be proficient in at least 5 or 6 ties. I like the following knots for all-around fishing. Palomar, Blood or Albright, Triline or double improved cinch, drop loop and even snell. Be assured there's lots of others that you may find will become your favorite. If one becomes your favorite, it's time to learn another knot. ha ha

Good carp fishing. England and Japan have huge populations of carp angler purists!

I was wondering what the bait of choice was up your way?
I like to cook some beef liver then run it through the blender with some cornflakes cerial. Then fold the mixture in to some cotten balls. If you put one of them balls on a hook it will bring them biguns right to the hook. It works prety good for many of the cats also.
hey ron, we have carp that run the connecticut river some in the pond in town cause they could git to the pond from the river years ago when there then was no dam to keep em out. they ate quite alot of the other fish that were in there. ma had been scat by one so big when she fell in once when she was little. anyways i never heard of the point where they have any with trout blood in em. there nothin but a shit fish up here just like the sucker. i caught big suckers up here the other day. there everywhere and most people leave em for the birds. not me i throw em back to clean the bottom but they are a nucence. i don,t believe i,d ever eat one. or a carp./ i guess it,s all in how you,ve been growed up the so called idea of em i guess that,s what ya call different strokes for different folks haha. ;ater
Most people up here use sweet corn out of the can. Some people use Wheaties (which I hear Carp are particularly fond of... they like their cereal). The last few I caught were actually on nightcrawlers and cooked turkey cubes from the store. I was actually fishin' for cats with the turkey.

I've been on a run of bad luck though. This past week I haven't caught anything except wood. Can't even get a bullhead to take my bait!

Hi there lou,

I also have no special place in my heart for carp especially when they like to gobble up eggs from other preferred species.

The truth is, carp is excellent fare. In Japan, where these guys know how to use these very sharp filet knives, the carp is great sashimi. It is sliced paper and I mean paper thin and layed out in a special platter where you can see the design through the carp flesh.

Very pretty to look at and the meat is sweet, with no muddy smell like on some catfish that live in similar waters.

i,ve heard this, but are they the same as the carp we catch or a different species carp? ocean or DO THEY HAVE OCEAN CARP? i,ve heard somethin bout the suckers too i guess on here where they,re eatin em to and suppose to be good. i just don,t want to. guessiit goes back to when my uncle surprized me by tellin me what i just got done eatin, AND DIDN,T LIKE IT, and FORCED TO EAT it BY MY FATHER, WELL IT came up quickER THEN it went down: HAHA:: RIGHT IN MY FATHERS LAP. HAHA, EEL OUT OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN. I WAS ONLY 6. HE WAS A JERK ANYWAYS, DIDN,T LIKE HIM MUCH. HAHA
[center]3 thirty-inch carp[/center] [center]12 pounds apiece[/center] [center]Forth of July 2003[/center] [center]Kent Lake Milford MI[/center] [center]At sun down[/center] [center]Well the day started out with a horrible rumble and 70 mile an hour winds. I awoke just in time to get the truck loaded when the wind hit and minutes after the wind the thundering and lightning and some light rain accompanying the torrential winds.[/center] [center]Kevin and I hooked up about 1.30 and headed out to Kensington park for some fancy carp fishing and watch the fire works, we arrived at the park about 2.30 after several store stops along the way. Pulling in our hearts sank when we found that the fire works would not be going off till Sunday. We were already there, so we ventured on in only to find our fishing hole closed of to those of us who don’t have sailboats. We ventured around the lake in an attempt to find a fishing spot. And it seemed that all my favorite holes were taken. We did manage to find an empty picnic table near the lake, so we opted for that.[/center] [center]We managed to get our lines in about 3.30 we sat there for a couple hours with out a bite. The problem we were having was all the paddleboat, kayaks, canoe and rowboat traffic. Not to mention the kids wading in a no swimming area. Tolerating the situation, we pulled out the small gear to mess around a bit to see if there was any thing else in the water.[/center] [center]Immediately I started pulling in stunted gills of various types. Kevin was not having much luck. I saw he was getting hits, but being the first time fishing for him in years, another fishing trip or two I am sure he will start hauling them in like a pro. This did not help the situation much in that he was getting frustrated with me for catching the stunted gills and he was not having any luck.[/center] [center]by about sundown I had managed to catch about 15 six inch gills and threw them back in to the drink. The wind that was maintaining a 20-mile an hour pace started to lie down. I switched from red worm to a rooster tail in hopes that I would catch a bass or two before I ran out of light.[/center] [center]About 6 casts with the rooster tail I saw what appeared to be dorsal fins sticking above the waters crest about 30 feet out from shore. I eminently switched back to the big guns and with in seconds I had hooked in to my first freight train. It took me about 10 minutes to land him after he had made 7 runs at which time I had drawn in a crowd of spectators, at a glance I would say there was about 40 on lookers cheering and clapping seeing a Big Fish Landed. They all gathered around to get a close up look at the big orange monsters, the young kids about 7 and younger got up real close and wanted to touch the slimy critter.[/center] [center]Eminently after putting him on the stringer I got right back out on the water on got my line in, Kevin had to baby sit the table because he was afraid that some one might liberate us of our gear as the onlookers was still hanging around to see if I was going to hook in to another one real soon. the next train took off ten minutes later, he was landed in about 7 minutes. More onlookers came around to see this haul. [/center] [center]I dropped my line back in and waited about 5 minutes for the third freight train. About 5 minutes in to the battle of this one the park ranger came around and gave his first warning for every one to vacate the park. Announcing that any one still in the park after would be ticketed. It took another 5 minutes to get this one landed when he gave his second warning, Kevin was scurrying to get every thing loaded while I was bring in the last fish. We barely got in to the truck and moving when we were tailed out of the park. (Being we were one of the last people out, even park workers wanted to go home while there was still a little 4th of July party time left.)[/center] [center]My terminal hook up was 20-pound test Trilene with a 10 pound test maximum. As for the bait, I will never tell. (A Juicy worm lol)[/center] [center]The rod of choice is the Big Fish Classic 30# trolling rod available at the BFT Gift Shop here at this site.[/center] [center]I fished on the bottom of the lake.[/center] [center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=116;][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=117;][/center]
I have recently been looking to catch carp and recently realized it all depends on using bait that other people dont use. Read about it here:
#13 are so unlucky. i believe it will be btter soon.[laugh]
Dang,those look juicy,hey Dave,do they still bite when ice fishing?Is carp an acquired taste,in otherwords, did you like it the first time you tried it,also,is it best fried[:/].Down hear I heard of someone catching a carp using a hybiscus flower.Congrtats on the cheering squad and your new fans. [#4040ff]Paulpro FL.mod[/#4040ff]
[signature] [inline "18lb carp,4lb test.jpg"] "Grass carp"
I hear carp slim is good for your skin[sly].I also had some fans,I've always wanted to catch one from my boat so he can pull me around the lake.Fish were a little on the spooky side.I had to super finess this one with my lightest line,4lb.Fireline,I normally use 6lb suffix

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