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I can't set the hook
[:/]I have been catfishing on our small lake for many years but have sinced started to fish from shore on the River. I use chicken livers and they seem to be working really well for Channel Catfish. The only problem is I use I'm going through an entire tub of livers and only bringing in two or three catfish. Usually I start to notice I'm getting a bite before the bell rings(I use a rod holder and bell) because my line gets tight and the rod will start to dip. I will pick up the rod and wait for a strong bite or tug but everytime I set the hook, nothing, and usually there is no Liver left. If there is Iiver left I'll adjust it, cast it out and the same thing will happen until the liver is gone. It's very frustrating, any suggestions? Both me and my friend are using different size hooks, we mix it up between drift fishing and bottom fishing also. PLEASE HELP!! At our lake they just take the bait and' so easy....I don't want to give up on river fishing. [:/]
Have you tried a circle hook yet?
Circle hooks are what I am using. They are great when I actually do catch the fish, it's always in the corner of the mouth with 1 out of ten swallowing it. I almost think it's really small fish that are just picking at it but someitmes I'll get one hard yank that will darn near pull it out of the rod holder. And then of course nothing happens.
Something I've learned from some of the members here in Utah is that cats don't like to swallow right away. They kind of just hold things in the front of their mouth and swim a little ways.

Now I leave the bail open and wait for the fish to start taking line. Give him 10 to 20 seconds and then set the hook. A lot more hook ups since starting this. With the circle hooks guys just let them run and then flip the bail. No hook set needed as the hook will set itself.

For what its worth.
Here is a thought for you. Do you have mud cats(bullheads)in your river? They are notorious for pecking at your bait especially liver and clean your hooks right quick. The only way to combat this is to go smaller in hook size, or larger bait and stay away from the liver and worms. Use some type of fresh cut bait like carp or chub. You should also not be setting the hook with circles. I had a hard learning curve when i started using them. Missed almost every fish by jerking on the rod. Just lift it up when the line gets tight and the hook will do the work for you. My .02[Wink]
I can't tell you how to keep your liver on the hook, but the thing I can tell you is, you're using the wrong bait. I'm 59 years old and have fished for cat's my whole life. I've used it all, and by far the best catfish bait is Shrimp. You don't need pay the bait shop price either. I simply buy [#ff0000][/#ff0000]RAW[/b] frozen shrimp at the store. However, if you're going after Giant Cats, I'd be using a whole, live or dead bluegill..

Good luck,

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