06-27-2008, 10:06 PM
Took a buddy and my son up to the veiw this morning to try for muskies and smallies. Tried several brushy spot with no hits or follows on the muskie gear. Gave up around 8:30 and headed for the smallies. They ended up getting a few and missing a few (none for me) and then just as I was teasing my son that he was snagged I saw the rod about rip out of his hand and a muskie head apeared out of the brush. He only stayed hooked up for a minute but it was enough for both of us to see it in the water. We didn't see the whole body, just the head but it was a good sized one. Boy that sure stoked his fire! He's already asking when we can go back. We headed for home about noon, and by then there were plenty of skiers out there.