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Can anyone give me a feel as to how Steinaker is for bass fishing? I had heard that it isn't as active as Pelican but on average you catch larger bass. How good is it? Is ot worth a 200 mi trip and over $100 for gas for a guy that's trying to watch his nickels??? Send a pm if it's better.[Smile]
Leaky and the Sparkinator
[cool][#0000ff]Lots of nice largies in healthy rainbows and good sized bluegills.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You should PM [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=Kayote"][#000000]Kayote[/#000000][/url][#000000] [/#000000] . He lives out that way and provides good reports on the lakes. I know he fishes Steinaker a lot from his kayak.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also, here are some links from the Archive and Reference Board:[/#0000ff]
[url ""][#212126][size 2]Weather[/size][/#212126][/url][size 1]

[/size][#212126][size 2][url ""]State Park Info[/url][/size][/#212126][size 1]

[url ""][#212126]Basic Info PDF[/#212126][/url]

[url ""][#212126]Most Recent DWR Review[/#212126][/url] [/size]
There are some nice bass in steinaker, but not a huge numbers lake. If you want numbers, pelican is the place. If you want consistantly bigger fish, steinaker is good. Red fleet down the road from steinaker also has some tanks. Hit'em all and you decide.

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