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Need some help please
Please help. I usually fly fish so I haven't had much chance to take my kids out this year. So I am asking you to give me some suggestions on where to take my kids this weekend. I live in the Ogden area and would like to find a place the kids can catch fish from the bank. A pond or lake is preferred (my little one likes to explore) with a good population of catchable fish (I don't care what kind of fish and neither to my kids). You can PM me if you want, and I really do appreciate all the help.

did you want to fly fish or bait fish with them?
I would suggest mantua. Worm and a bubble will do the trick. You will catch bluegill or bass most likely.
I'll suck it up and chuck some bait. [Wink] I don't think it would be a good time to teach fly fishing to them. I just want to catch some fish.

Any suggestions on where to go in Mantua?
Take them to East Canyon and fish in the North arm on the west side with power bait or worms/mallows. That is the area we fished last week and caught almost all of our fish within casting distance of the bank. Everyone that was fishing there was killing them from the bank. All are about 13" to 16" trout and a chance for smallies too with small curly tail jigs.[cool]
I hit Lost Creek with the fams last weekend works and power bait were the trick caught lots of planters & if you get bored theres the river right there
Being that you live in ogden mantua is the best choice. Its close, and the fishing is usually pretty fast. I took my daughter up there about a month ago and she loved it. We caught 46 bluegill and 2 small mouth in about 3 hours. If you go it seems fishing is best between 7am and 11am, but i really doesnt matter. Like the other replies a worm and a bobber is all you need!! Good luck where ever you decide to go!!

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