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The wife and kids were out of town this morning, so I decided I would head up to Mantua and see if anything was biting. I was on the water before 7 and started catching bluegill as soon as I had a line in the water. I was using an 1/32 oz orange jig and the fish didn't care if there was a worm on the hook or not. It was the fastest fishing I have had in a loooooong time. I would catch one, pull the hook out and throw my line out of the boat, and I would have another before I could get the last fish in the basket. The only thing that would have been better is if my boys could have been there.
Glad to hear you got into the Gills, you should of brought Trout_Slayer out there to show him how it's done!![sly] So fish fry on swings Monday?[:p]

Way to go Micah! Yeah, that place can be a blast, especially for kids. I get sick of catching all the blasted bluegills whenever I go there, so I don't fish there as often as I could. There are some nice sized bass and trout in there, you just have to find them.

It's a fun place to fish, even as crowded as it's been this summer.

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