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New Developments (for me)
As I've been a regular around this forum for a few years (though Sadly lacking of late) I wanted to say a few things because some of you have provided so many hours of enjoyment for me through this forum - and I count you as friends. I also don't want to spend a bunch of time whining, so please endulge me for a moment of two, then I'll leave off.

I found out last Friday that I have advanced kidney cancer which has completely involved my left kidney. Yesteday I also found out that the cancer has gone to both of my lungs. So... it looks as though my tubing is going to be put even further on the back burner. I will have surgery this Friday to remove the kidney and surrounding tissue and after recovery (if God wills) I'll begin some kind of chemotherapy to work on the lungs. I'm not unrealistic about the prospects I face (most people don't survive these things) but am not hopeless, either. I plan to go through whatever treatment my doctors prescribe.

Also, though I haven't made an issue of it here, I've lived the last 35 years as a dedicated Christian and know that God will sustain me through whatever comes, whether here or on the other side. From my current perspective, though I've done plenty of dumb things in my life, that's a decision I'm glad I made. I recommend it to all.

People deal with this kind of stuff every day so I know my situation is not unique. I'm not looking for sympathy. I just wanted you all to know how grateful I am for the enjoyment I've received from this forum. And I also didn't want to just disappear from the scene (if such should be the case) leaving a few of you wondering where I went.

Guess I'm rambling here, so let me bring it to a close. Thanks to all of you for this forum, especially those who moderate and even more especially, for Tubedude, Tubebabe, and TubeN2 for providing such a place.

If I can post more, I will. If God is willing to extend my life, I'll be back in the tube. If not, well, then I won't.

Thanks for hearing me out.

Bummer man, best wishes and God be with you !!!

As you say many have faced this situation before you but have to say you are facing it square in the face and that is a big part of coping with it.. plus you know you have the support of your family and friends here on the BFT..

Ill keep you in my thoughts and prayers..

Let us know if there is anything we can do and keep us informed as you can..

Gods blessings and love go with you my friend..

MacFly [cool]
Hi Z
I'm sorry to hear the news about the tough situation you find yourself in, and I sincerely hope that, with the help of the health professionals, your treatment will be successful.
Results in this area now are far better than they used to be.

BTW it's not whining or rambling if you allow friends to know of your bad news, it's "keeping in touch".

I wish you best possible outcome over the coming weeks & months.
Mr. Z,

It's been quite some time ago, but I remember contacting you about your feelings on a certain fish finder/sonar I was considering. If I remember correctly, TubeDude, our mutual friend, recommended I contact you, as I was interested in a model he knew you owned. I still remember how kind and helpful you were to me.

I've enjoyed your contributions here and earnestly hope they continue for many years. I am a devout Christian myself, and one never knows the paths our Father in Heaven knows are best for us. This may simply turn out to be a difficult trial He wishes you go through and survive in order to teach you certain lessons and possibly help others in the future. You certainly have demonstrated yourself to be one who helps and encourages others whenever possible.

Please don't count yourself down and out; it certainly doesn't sound as if you are. I will hope and pray for your recovery. Best wishes, and God bless. I hope you find yourself enjoying many more days on peaceful waters in the near future. Thank you again for all the input you've offered here.

[cool][#0000ff]For a guy who usually has a lot of words, I can't think of many right now.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let it suffice to say that I wish you the best during your coming ordeal. I am proud to claim you as a friend I have never met person. But, I think we are kindred spirits and I am sure we would enjoy each others' company on the water...or anywhere.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Stay in touch when you are able.[/#0000ff]
Zonker, I'm new here and do not know you. But I do know we are brothers in CHRIST. I am glad to here that you are saved. As you know, GOD is in control and has a plan for you. Just be assured that HE will give you the strength to handle anything you go through. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Love u man, big prayers for u and all from all of us...
I have always enjoyed your posts. Keep up the fight and God bless.

Very Sad to hear this. Our prayers are with you.
stay strong. no matter how bad it gets it will only get better. god has a plan for all of us and im sure the one he has for you will be a string and speedy recovery! i do nt pray alot, but tonight i will say one for you.
I'm sorry to hear that Uncle Z. You are in my prayers.

You have been such a good friend/Uncle to me on the site. I still want to get the chance to fish with you.

God willing, we will go and bust some Carp together in your pond up there.[cool]
We are praying for you. Put up the best fight of your life.
Lord I pray for this brother, that you will be his strength and that even through this difficult trial that You Lord will be glorified by the testimony of this brothers faith in you. We do pray for a miracle of quick healing of this cancer and strength and courage. Lord I also pray for his family and loved ones to help them in this time and to be strong in their faith in you Lord Jesus.
I'm so sorry to hear this Z, keep the faith, I know God will give you and your family the strength and courage to get through this. We will have you in our prayers......We Love Ya Man!!!!

Z, there are many prayers with you from me and my family, may you have a speedy recovery and I hope to read a report about you hang-in another big fish on that fly rod of yours. Even if it is a monster carp.


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