09-24-2008, 02:59 AM
Went there with the full intention of trying out [url "../../../cgi-bin/community/community.cgi?do=user_page;pg=user_profile_view.html;username=dma_ayotte"]dma_ayotte's[/url] spot that he described to me for smallies. Never made it up there. Started at my old spot below the camp grounds and just had too much fun. Did walk down to the boulder fields on the E. side and caught a bunch of small guys plus 1 about 12-13" . After this I was just too pooped to do more. It's hell gettun old with a hyper never quit golden. [frown] Didn't start fishing untill about 11:30 and quit about 5:00. Anyway, ended up with 1-15", 2-14", about 2-3 13" and down from there That's good smallie fishun to me. I have to try dma_ayotte's spot, hopefully before the season ends. Time's running out. Love river smallies.[] Met dma_ayotte on the river at the boulder field. Good meeting up with ya guy.[] Saw some humongus trout and sturgeon size carp.