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'Nell maybe warmin' up
Headed to the "Nell today after some deliberation abotu the berry or not last night....chose Nell due to closer to SLC and have to be back by 1:30.
We are glad we did....hit the lake with one of my fishin' buddies at 7:00am (since the newbie we were going to take cancelled at 1:00am via text) a slow morning the first little bit then we seemed to find some fish and it was 10:00 we had 45 in the boat and finished the day at noon with 60 even.
Seemed to finally figure out a pattern to what they were keying on.
We did catch 60 but only a couple over 2.5#'s - seems to be more "dinks" recently than in the past.
All in all a good morning and will chase the great greenies next week - headed south.
Right on, glad you got into some fish. Shoot me a pm with some details.
I plan to head up that way in the morning the Nell or the Berry, half to see how the truck pulls...

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