10-05-2008, 10:01 PM
Well, I'm back from visiting all my relatives in and around Denver and my son in Guffey and didn't do any fishun. [frown] Didn't have time. Next time I hope to spend more time in Guffey.
Therein is my request. When I got home I found my old fishun map with some areas circled but danged if I can remember any specifics, since it's about 100 yrs. old, well almost. [] When driving down hwy 9 from Fairplay to Hartsel, I once again notieced a creek paralleling the hwy that looked interesting. The best I can tell it's Sacramento Crk.???? It goes into the South Platte E. of Harsel which then goes into Spinney Res.. I have the South Platte in that area circled as good fishun. So-----------, what's the latest? Is the creek any good and what about the S. Platte? Are they good choices for fishun around Guffey?
Therein is my request. When I got home I found my old fishun map with some areas circled but danged if I can remember any specifics, since it's about 100 yrs. old, well almost. [] When driving down hwy 9 from Fairplay to Hartsel, I once again notieced a creek paralleling the hwy that looked interesting. The best I can tell it's Sacramento Crk.???? It goes into the South Platte E. of Harsel which then goes into Spinney Res.. I have the South Platte in that area circled as good fishun. So-----------, what's the latest? Is the creek any good and what about the S. Platte? Are they good choices for fishun around Guffey?