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Willard...Cold but not Dead
[cool][#0000ff]TubeBabe still in California. Nobody else wanted to go fishing. So, I hit Willard my own self.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Launched from the north marina about 7:30. By the way, the south marina is now closed. Air temp 42 and water temp only 51 at launch...13 degree drop since last week. My expectations dropped a little.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I figured that low and slow was the way to go. I figured right. Started with a small white tube, bouncing it slowly off the bottom on a sixteenth ounce head. Missed two whacks before setting the hook into a reel screamer. Nice 21 incher to start the day. Figured it was going to be gangbusters. Figured wrong. First and last wiper of the day. Had a few other hits and one big one on for a bit, but only one brought to the tube.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As usual, the cookie cutter kitty brigade ate up a bunch of my minnows and kept me occupied. I brought in about 15 and kept 7. Biggest was a rowdy 19 incher. Most were 14 - 16 inches and were kinda slow in the cold water. Tentative takes and sluggish fights. But, better than a skunk.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Only a few boats out before I came in at noon, but a couple more going out for the later fishing. One guy said he witnessed a "wiper pro" bring in a limit of nice wipers yesterday by watching for the birds. Said there was more activity late in the day after the water warmed.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Looks like I leave the hardware home for the rest of the year. Time to stock up the plastics boxes for my next trip. I will catch those wascally wipers on small tube jigs until they freeze...or I do.[/#0000ff]
Nice batch of cats. Looks like your luck on the cats was better than mine monday. I happen to head out there on monday to get cats exclusivly, came out the north marina and headed about in front of the beach trew out a couple dogs turned to talk to my son and my pole started taking off out the boat. I thought I had a 20# cat nope a wiper nice and fat. Only fish that evening. Guess you never know what they will take or when?
Your day was much more productive than mine was. Kevin and I jumped in my little can about 130 in the afternoon yesterday in hopes of hitting the afternoon bite. The water temp on my Sonar said it was about 55.8 leaving the marina, we headed out and than south as we saw a lot of bird activity. I was seeing a lot of shad on sonar but no hits. In fact the only thing that happened over there was a 1in Shad decided to commit suceid on my crank. He impaled him self on not 1 but 2 of the hooks on one treble. We headed up to the island and hooked up with a very healthy Wiper that took off like a locomotive. I think he would of been lose to 5 lbs but when we got him to the boat hi spit my X-rap at Kevin and took off. How Rude.

Any way sorry to hijack and glad you found some CC K's. Did you take them in the normal spot to the North?

[cool][#0000ff]Bummer about losing the freight train. Gotta check the schedules better next time. I lost a big screamer too. Just like yours, it was inexperienced and did not know how to hang on.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The terns have been active at picking up those little shad on the surface, but there does not seem to be many wipers up feeding on those tiny ones. The fish I took home yesterday was chock full of the larger 2" size, from an earlier spawn, as was the fish I got last week. My own theory is that the little bit larger ones are in deeper water and that is where the wipers are feeding mostly. But, some guys are finding wipers under the birds too. I guess you gotta be good...and ya gotta be lucky...GOOD AND LUCKY.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I found the cats scattered from the north marina almost all the way over to the outlet. However, in the cold water, they were out in at least 10 feet of depth. Did not get bit in less than 9 feet yesterday. My first CC came on bait, right after I landed the wiper...first fish of the day...just after 8 AM. I had bites about every fifteen minutes, on average, but got into one small group of cats in the area out from the campground...and then another small "zone" as I was coming back in about 200 yards out from the marina entrance. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have caught a lot of good eatin' kitties this year, and the highest percentage have come either close to the marina or clear over in front of the campgrounds. I have learned the bottom contours pretty well, and I have a couple of "honey holes" that I can almost always count on getting some inquiries. Coincidentally, the best wiper action is usually in the same general areas. Must be something to it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]After relearning a few things I thought I knew, I am retooling my fall plastics ensemble and plan to hit Willard several more times before the hard deck approacheth.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Floatilla time?[/#0000ff]
I want to hook up on a wiper form my tube. they are fun in the boat but man I bet they get even better when you are a skiing on the fins trying to land one. I can probably swing a Flotilla anytime except this weekend.
I also hit Willard Friday in hope of landing some wipers. As TD stated the south marina is closed, so I put in at the north marina. As I was launching TD was docking. Always wanted to meet him. So I introduced myself and we talked for a while and I must say that tube is some floating arsenal. Good to have met you TD. Anyway I got my first wiper near the light pole on a roaster tail a 3#. I got four more hook ups at the SWC all on rattle traps behind pboards. Water temp near 59.
[cool][#0000ff]It was good to meet you too Gene. Say hi to Coot for me.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you found some fish on the other side. Did you teach your "furry fishin' buddy" to fillet yet?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Looks like later in the day and the west side is the best bet for finding active fish. A few degrees difference in temperature can make a lot of difference in the fishin'.[/#0000ff]

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