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hitting the berry sunday morning
Heading to the berry tomorrow morning with my son anyone know were i can get my hands on some chub meat by 8am? I am coming from the south and into provo so any help would be appreciated. Have room for one if anyone is interested.
I have found the Wendy's / Chevron in the middle of Heber sometimes has chub minnows, along with worms. It's hit and miss on the chub, but I have ocassionally found them there.
Smith's in Heber used to carry minnows and chub meat in the big freezer up front. The Silver Eagle gas station on the way out of town carries minnows. Ask the clerk and he'll get them for you.

Or if you prefer to pay $4 for a dozen redsides...There's always the gas station at the junction of Hwy 40 and 189 (Provo Canyon Road).
Thanks i got some .

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