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[url ""][/url]
Get one why you can boys and girls. This gun is on the top of the list when it comes to limiting our 2nd Amendment rights by the Anti-Gun Liberals.
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Honestly what would I need to buy one of those for??? Just to say I have one?? I dont see myself chasing Deer or elk around the mountain with one of those?
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This is important... where does it stop... next, and I am not joking if liberals get there way the United States will go the way of europe, no semi-automatics at all, and you have get a permit and justify why you have any weapons... think it cant happen... look at the recent supreme court decision, IT WAS 5 TO 4 with a couple of justice seats up for grabs...
you should be upset with any attempt to take away ANY firearms from responsible legal citizens...
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No I shouldnt be upset when THESE types of ASSULT WEPONS are banned. They are made for one reason and one reason only. I have never met anyone outside of law inforcment or the military that "Needs a gun like this". I know you asking me to look at the big picture and say to my self that if they can take these then what else will they take. Believe me I see your point. But personally Really dont believe it will go that far. The last gun ban didnt effect anyone that I know off. But what does piss me off is to see how easy it is for criminals and gang members to have access to these types of wepons. Its no problem for "responsible legal citizens" to purchase wepons like these, and they might be the gang member or criminal that hasnt been cought yet. Once a wepon has been sold, its out there and who knows what its being used for. Personaly I dont want you, a friend, family member, or anyone esle for that matter to have access to those kinds of wepons. And not saying its right or wrong but what is europes murder rate compaired to united states?????
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I am very curious if you know what the following means?
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Just in case you don't, it does not mean you may use your .243 Remington while deer hunting.
The 2nd Amendment was written to ensure the "God" given inherent rights of law abiding citizens of our country to "keep and bear" arms to use against a government that would use a "well regulated militia" to take any rights away from our citizens that were "Guaranteed" under our constitution.
You personally may not see a need for a AR-15, which is fine, but to limit a law abiding person like myself, who has never even had a speeding ticket in my 33 years on this planet, from owning one is extremely disturbing IMHO.
Any law abiding citizen should be able to own any weapon they want, no matter the caliber, no matter how many rounds it holds.
If the truth be told the chances of killing someone while driving your vehicle is many times greater than myself having an accident using an AR-15. The only time my any of my guns would be used to harm another person would be in self defense or protection from a totalitarian government.
I will make a deal with you, you give up all of your vehicles, and I will give up my AR-15.
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Here is a little project for you. Find me any statistic or study that shows an AR-15 as being in the top 10 of types of guns used to commit a crime or homicide within our country.
A little hint, you will not be able to do this. Most gun crimes in our country happen using PISTOLS, and ALL gun crimes in our country are caused by CRIMINALS, not law abiding citizens.
In fact from from 1993 to 2005 the most popular type of guns and caliber are as follows:
[font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Symbol"][size 2]
[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]
[left]6.6 million .357 Magnum revolvers
[left]6.5 million .38 Special revolvers
[left]5.4 million .22 caliber pistols
[left]5.3 million .22 caliber revolvers
[left]4.5 million .25 caliber pistols
[left]3.1 million 9 millimeter pistols
[left]2.4 million .380 caliber pistols
[left]2.2 million .44 Magnum revolvers
[left]1.7 million .45 caliber pistols
[left]1.2 million .32 caliber revolvers.
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Good I am glad you know the constitution, good for you. Being a gun owner of over 20 arms I am FOR the right to bear arms.
Lets see where do I start!
[#ff0000]"You personally may not see a need for a AR-15, which is fine, but to limit a law abiding person like myself, who has never even had a speeding ticket in my 33 years on this planet, from owning one is extremely disturbing IMHO.
Any law abiding citizen should be able to own any weapon they want, no matter the caliber, no matter how many rounds it holds."[/#ff0000]
From your comment above it is clear to me that any law abiding citizen should be able to own say, a rocket launcher, ground to air anti air craft missles, a couple of hand granades, and just for fun a nuclear war head.
[#ff0000]"If the truth be told the chances of killing someone while driving your vehicle is many times greater than myself having an accident using an AR-15. The only time my any of my guns would be used to harm another person would be in self defense or protection from a totalitarian government.
I will make a deal with you, you give up all of your vehicles, and I will give up my AR-15"[/#ff0000]
Comparing automobile accidents to firearms is an unintelligent argument and would be even dumber for me to point out why!!
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I could care less how many guns you own. I may not even own a gun, or I may own hundreds, who cares? But at least I am not willing too limit your rights, while you are willing too limit mine.
If any of the weapon such as a "Rocket Launcher", "Hand Grenade", "Anti Air Craft Missles" or even a "Nuclear War head" were deemed legal and to be used by "Law Abiding Citizens" (which the AR-15 currently is) then by all means "Law Abiding Citizens" should be allowed to own them, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
You personally may think it is "Unintelligent" to compare weapons to automibles, but I think it is disturbing that you would be willing to limit a "God Given Right" that is "Guaranteed" under our Constitution when the effects of that right are less than something that isn't "Guaranteed"!
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Why would your need one? Because they are fun as **** to shoot. Especially at rabbits. I have guns I hunt with and others are just plain to plink things with. All serve a purpose.
All guns are made for one purpose. Put a projectile down range in a hurry. For fun or to kill is up to the person pulling the trigger not the gun. Gun can't see and therefore have no idea where the bullet is going.
When these stupid assault weapons get banned they claim they affect nothing else. If so then why did it get so expensive to find a clip that holds more then ten rounds? No I don't need 25 rounds to kill a rabbit but it sure is fun not to have to always stop and reload when I find a lot of them.
Instead of banning the guns why don't we just keep the scum using them illegally locked up? Then it won't matter what type of gun someone holds or how many fit in the clip. O wait criminals don't follow laws so lets go after the people who do.
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I picked up a bushy varminter with the 24" barrel. I also bought a couple of lowers...just in case.
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There is absolutely no way I would want one of those.
I want at least TWO!!!!!!
Those are awesome!!!
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i took this deer killer with a assult rifle just for the hell of it i could have used a rock a bow what ever it was my choice,you kind of sound like a democrat to me,all gun laws prior to bush will go back into love to have a rocket launcher.[sly]
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+1000 to everything you said Braz!
I'd also like to add that I love the thought of how many terrorists those bad boys have put down!
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Wyobraz wrote:[/quote]
a person like myself, who has never even had a speeding ticket in my 33 years on this planet
Not fair! You live in Mountain View, Wyoming!
Come on down to Ogden and I'll guarantee you a ticket, we have a quota to reach here in good old Ogden[  ]
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That's a water tight argument Braz. Makes me sick to think that there are actually gun owners out there that think limiting our rights to arms will somehow keep them out of the hands of criminals. When in fact quite the opposite is true. Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have them.......
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Chad, I agree with you 100%. It disturbes me that someone says they are gun owners, or for the 2nd Amendment but in the same sentence state that they are willing to limit our rights just because they don't see a need for a particular type of weapon.
By the way the Assult Weapons Ban that is sitting on the House floor as we speak, includes more guns than an AR-15 or an AK. Anyone here have a Ruger 10-.22, or a .17 HMR that has a clip that holds more than 5 rounds? Or does anyone have a rifle that has a thumbhole stock? Well if so those guns would be illegal under the new ban if it were passed. Usually bills will grandfather in ownership based off of Serial # manufacture date and only limit future sales, but not this one. This bill does not have a grandfather clause, it just makes it illegal to posses any of the guns that fall under the "Assult Weapon" category, no matter when you purchased the gun.
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Do you have a link to said bill, so that I may read up on the atrocities that they want to apply to American Citizens
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I also would like a link, so I can get the facts from the source and write my congressmen.
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Now that's funny I don't care who you are![:p]
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Our strongest weapon against this are organizations such as the NRA that will fight for our rights as gun owners, I've been a Life member for close to 30 years and a regular annual member before then. Get involved with some of our national hunting organizations as well. Let's not bitch amongst our selves on this site as it sounds like we all enjoy either hunting or target shooting, the ANTI'S don't need any more fire power. GOD BLESS the USA and Thanks to all you Veterans.[  ]