11-13-2008, 05:19 PM
I shot my swan monday night at Howards. There had been hundreds using it in the evenings. I finally had a good shot and my son was with me so i took a semi-adult bird so he could be there to share the hunt with me. Not the big adult i had planned on but Gage couldn't have been more excited! Deepcycle was there as well as Kokhead and they enjoyed the show.[cool]
Last night there was a 12 yo and his dad trying to get the kid a swan. He was shooting a 3" gun and the birds were being a little dike shy so i walked down and invited them to sit with us in the main flight path. I offered my Extrema II to him with 3.5" Black Cloud BBB's and he took it like a man. He shot a few times but didn't connect. He will be back out saturday night to try again. I hope to be out there to see him down a bird.
If anyone has a tag, Howards is the place to be the last 2 hours of shooting light. Literally hundreds of birds out there right now. No ducks to speak of though. If you want more info shoot me a pm.[
Last night there was a 12 yo and his dad trying to get the kid a swan. He was shooting a 3" gun and the birds were being a little dike shy so i walked down and invited them to sit with us in the main flight path. I offered my Extrema II to him with 3.5" Black Cloud BBB's and he took it like a man. He shot a few times but didn't connect. He will be back out saturday night to try again. I hope to be out there to see him down a bird.
If anyone has a tag, Howards is the place to be the last 2 hours of shooting light. Literally hundreds of birds out there right now. No ducks to speak of though. If you want more info shoot me a pm.[
