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First Ice Fishing Trip of the Year - Trial and Lost Lake 11/15
I love ice fishing. Don't know exactly why but it was sooo good to be on the hard deck again.

Left Provo at 5 a.m. and got to Trial Lake at about 6:45 or so. Some snow on the roads but nothing a 4runner couldn't handle. We parked about 100 yards from the Trial Lake dam and huffed it in the rest of the way.

We set up in about 17 feet of water on about 3-4 inches of ice. Lots of creaking and cracking throughout the day and lots of water on the ice by 10 a.m. when we left. The fishing was fast and furious. Between 4 of us, we caught over 50 fish - 4 albinos, 1 tiger, 8 brooks, and the rest rainbows. Largest fish were the rainbows at about 15 inches. The albinos were all about 12 inches and the brookies and tiger were super small (6-8 inches). The hot colors were red and pink in small tube jigs tipped with nightcrawler (because noone has mealies yet).

[inline "trial lake nov 15 albino.JPG"]

[inline "11.15.2008.Brook Trout (1).Trial lake.JPG"]

[inline "trial lake nov 15 matt rainbow.JPG"]

[inline "trial lake view nov 15.JPG"]

We decided to leave around 10 to go hit Lost lake and when we got pack to the HWY, we saw some dude walking down the road. Thinking this was odd, we asked him if everything was OK . He said no so we pulled up next to him and he looked frozen. He said his car died the night before and he slept in his car overnight without a heater. Talk about cold. To make this long story short, we ended up giving him a ride back to Kamas and concluded that he drove up to Lost lake, got drunk (had throwup on his jacket), and that he hadn't planned to be out overnight (no gloves). So we wasted an hour and a half driving him to town due to his poor planning but hopefully we will learn his lesson.

We got back to Lost Lake at about 11:30. We couldn't find water deeper than 10 ft and didn't feel like hiking all the way to the dam. In about 2 hours of fishing, we only caught 20 or so, a healthy mix of brookies and bows with the brookies being much larger than those at Trial. i could only catch the rainbows here. Oh well. Same colors worked well. Small jigs with light line was the key.

Here is my buddy doing his best Golam impression (he really tried to take a chunk out of this rainbow if I paid his gas charge but he couldn't get any flesh after three noble attempts - just lots of scales):

[inline "Trial lake nov 15 matt eating rainbow.JPG"]

Those gates will be closing soon so take advantage of the opportunity to drive to these lakes.

It was a blast to just be out on the hard deck on such a beautiful day at such a beautiful place. Can't wait to do it again next Saturday!!
Sorry - I posted in the wrong forum. Can a mod move this to the general section?? Thanks.

And I am not going to submit any of the trout caught for the contest - hopefully I can do better than 13 inch trout!!
Hey what do you know it worked. Your on the main board now.
Sweet man! Looks like a good day on the deck.
Thanks for moving it.I promise I will never post in the wrong section again.[Smile]
Nice! I'm starting to get quite an urge to hit the ice soon. Is there anything more relaxing?

Interesting story about that guy, good to see you played the good samaritan role.

Looks like your fishing buddy was trying to pull a Bear Grylls from that Man Vs. Wild show!
First off, what were you doing up at 4 a.m.??

Second, my buddy was trying to be survival man and he gave it a good effort - he said that the skin was harder to get through than he imagined it would be. Good to know.

If I remember correctly you live in the Orem/Provo area?? I am in Provo so if you ever want to join for some hard deck fun, let me know. We might try to go to Huntington on Saturday.
I'm usually up by 1 to 2 am weekdays. Thursday and Friday nights I have to be up by 11:30 pm. Saturday nights I have to be up 7:30 pm....... Confused yet? I work graveyards as an EMT on the weekends so I'm a day sleeper. [pirate]

So far with 5 classes at the U and the wacky schedule I have still been able to fish, amazingly. My open time has been tuesday afternoons and evenings. When the semester ends I'll be able to go whenever and I'm looking forward to that little month of no school. I'll be doing a LOT of ice fishing, but still mostly on weekdays. If you are available ever during those times, we should hit the Berry or Yuba, both places I haven't fished much. And I have never ice fished Yuba. Could be fun for pike and perch.

Oh and I live in Sandy.

I plan to hit both the Berry and Yuba this December/January so I'll let you know.

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