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Last Trip
[font "Times New Roman"]Made our last soft water fish'n trip to Pineview. Up until this year the boat was already in dry dock the first week of October. So we fished almost an additional two months working on our Fall Tiger Musky fish’n techniques and honing in on what works and what doesn’t. [/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]Got on the water just a little after 10 air temp was 28* and water temp was 43*. Water was like glass the entire day hardly any breeze at all. Saw just a few boats and tubers up the Narrows fishing the north shoreline out to the middle. No-one fishing the Narrows south shoreline.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]Larger fish are following the bait pods and in deep open water anywhere from 30-50’. Moving closer to shore say 20’ and up really nothing on the fish finder. But in deeper water the screen lights up with fish everywhere.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]So as we’ve been doing the last two months find the bait pods and long line troll deep running lures. We’ve been really varying the trolling speed from 1.5 – 3 MPH. Most of our luck with strikes throughout the fall has been with a trolling speed a little over 2MPH. [/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]Just a little after 11 in roughly 40’of water trolling deep running lures out behind the boat approximately 125’-150’….fish’n partners reel starting zzzzzzzzing. I pull in the other two lines grab the net and wait. Fish peels off some more line at the boat heading down to the 40’ depths. Finally up comes the fish and into the next. Fish measured out right at 40.50 inches…[/font]
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All in all 2008 was a very good season for us fish’n for Pineview Tiger Muskies. IMHO these fish are awesome to catch and if we only catch one during a trip we’re all Smiles. [Smile]

We can only hope the DWR finds a solution and again starts stocking these fish as they are a great sports fish and a super resource to control bait fish populations. [Wink][Wink]
Nice job on boating a great fish. From what has been said, a clean source of both Pike and Muskellunge have been acquired, and they will start "making" their own tigers real soon now.
Very nice, is the water down ?
Yep water level is down close to 35'. But nothing like it was last year IMHO. Just need a nice snowpack and it will fill nicely...however with the reports of the Willard repair being done I hope they don't drain off Pineview too quickly to bring Willard water levels up. I'm think'n Willard will get other runoff besides from PV at least that what I'm hoping for. [Wink][Wink]
Another nice muskie K2, thanks for sharing. Looks like it is spraying water in your face in the last picture, must have been a good release[Wink]. WH2

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