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Porcupine Report-is the porta-bote bad luck?
Floated around pocupine friday from 1pm-7pm. my fishin buddy 2 was showing hundreds of fish from 10'-30' and a few right on the bottom as well. We tried just about everything-trolled with leaded line-out to 4 colors but mostly stayed about 2-3 out cause I think that is about 25'-30'. Tried fast and slow, and pulled a variety of spoons and panther martins and rapalas behind pop gear and even put on a worm-still nothing. It was a great day to be on the lake and the porta-bote is one smooth ride with the new boat seats I mounted on the benches, but NO FISH-NOT EVEN A HIT! So let me have it-what am I doing wrong? maybe will try a dipsy diver-I even have a new cannon downrigger but I don't know if it will mount on the porta-bote. Maybe that dang bote is just BAD LUCK and I should go back to tossin power bait from my reclining lawn chair on the shore.

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