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CONCORD, N.H. -- Be sure to visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department booth at several upcoming expos and events catering to outdoor enthusiasts. You'll have a chance to buy your 2009 New Hampshire hunting and fishing licenses and the 2009 New Hampshire Fish & Wildlife calendar, as well as getting answers to your hunting, fishing and wildlife questions. The new line of Fish and Game logo merchandise, from camo hats to T-shirts and fleece vests, will be available.

Look for Fish and Game at these exciting events:

ROCKINGHAM HUNTING & FISHING EXPO. Saturday and Sunday, January 10-11, 2009, at Rockingham Park in Salem, N.H. This expo features many local and national outdoor products and services. For more information, visit Saturday is N.H. Fish & Game Day at the Expo -- attendees who buy a N.H. Fish & Wildlife 2009 Calendar that day will get a dollar back on their admission!

TOYOTA EASTERN FISHING & OUTDOOR EXPOSITION: Thursday-Sunday, February 5-8, 2009, at the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts, featuring everything the angler, hunter or outdoorsman could imagine. N.H. Fish and Game's booth will feature a new display with wildlife mounts, including fisher, fox and bear, plus an expanded line of Fish and Game logo merchandise. Deer hunters, especially muzzleloader aficionados, who attend the Worcester show will enjoy having the chance to talk with Gregg Ritz of Thompson/Center Arms, a gun manufacturer in Rochester, N.H. For hours, directions and admission fees, visit

GREAT MEREDITH ROTARY ICE FISHING DERBY: Saturday and Sunday, February 7-8, 2009. The derby brings anglers to New Hampshire from all over the country in hopes of snagging the heaviest Meredith Rotary-tagged rainbow trout and claiming the grand prize. The Meredith Rotary Club, in consultation with the N.H. Fish and Game Department as part of an ongoing fisheries management plan, stocks tagged fish in several New Hampshire lakes for this event. This year's stocked lakes include Little Squam, Mascoma, Ossipee, Waukewan, Wentworth, Winnipesaukee and Winnisquam. The derby has enabled the Meredith Rotary Club to donate more than $1.5 million back into the community for charitable projects, area improvements, scholarships and people in need. For tickets and information, visit

Derby highlights featuring N.H. Fish and Game include:

* For the third consecutive year, the Meredith Rotary Club will kick off the derby by hosting a free ice fishing panel discussion on Friday, February 6, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Meredith Community Center on Route 3 in Meredith. AJ Nute, owner of AJ's Bait and Tackle in Meredith; Ben Nugent of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department; and Travis Williams, a licensed New Hampshire fishing guide, will discuss ice fishing tips, techniques and equipment. Sandwiches and soda will be served. "The panel discussion events we've hosted since 2006 were such a great success, we're doing it again in 2009," says Larry Schultz, chairman of the 2009 Great Rotary Ice Fishing Derby.

* On Saturday, February 7, 2009, Fish and Game's "Let's Go Fishing" program staff and volunteers present a free hands-on clinic for kids and their parents on the basics of ice fishing at derby headquarters, Meredith Bay. Learn how to catch the big one! Sessions run hourly starting at 10 a.m. through 3 p.m. Ice-fishing equipment will be featured, including using tip-ups, sounding the hole and power augers. Then the kids will have a chance to fish!

* During the derby, New Hampshire Fish and Game fisheries biologists Don Miller and John Viar will collect valuable fish data at the derby weigh in. "The derby affords Fish and Game staff an opportunity to interact with anglers 'on the ground,' where their excitement is palpable!" said Miller.

PELHAM FLY FISHING SHOW: Saturday and Sunday, March 7-8, 2009, at the Pelham Fish & Game Club in Pelham, N.H. New Hampshire's only all-fly fishing show. Hours are Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. For more information, directions and a flyer about the show, visit

GREATER FRANKLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 11th ANNUAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW - Saturday and Sunday, March 14-15, 2009, at the Franklin Middle School, 200 Sanborn Street in Franklin, N.H. Hours are Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Sunday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Watch for more information at

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is the guardian of the state's fish, wildlife and marine resources and their habitats. Visit


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