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I am heartbroken
So Im sitting a large office here at work and have the Obama Inauguration streaming.

As he speaking and giving one of the greatest speeches in the nation and I cant believe how racist some Utahans are.

Its freaking 2009 and racism is well and alive in Utah I cant speak for other p[laces cause Im not there but in this office I'm Saddened to hear comments like "its no longer the white house its now the crack house" ect..

People all want to claim there not racist but when it comes down to a situation there true selves come out.
I am ashamed to call my self a Utahan today
Unfortunately, I have a hunch that many racist comments are being made throughout the country today, not just in Utah. Hopefully, this inauguration will be a big step forward in combating that, but I doubt that it will make much difference. BTW -- I did not vote for Obama, but wish him nothing but the best as our new president.
Way to go man! Thanks for having the cajones to put those thoughts into words. We gotta get over that kinda crap & all be Americans together or our grandkids (in my case, great grandkids) are gonna wind up speaking another language. Chinese maybe.
As a reformed cracker(my parents were from the hills of N. Carolina) it Saddens me to hear that stuff today still. If I can learn so can others.
Is it really that bad? Give me a break. There are always going to be a few "racisists". Overall, we live in a great
tolerant country.

I really don't like Obama, but I hope he proves me wrong and becomes a great president. Time will tell.

Maybe instead of concentrating on a few disparaging comments, concentrate on the other 99% percent of those would could care less what racial background he has.
It's gotta be your office. I haven't heard a racist comment in years. It's like all things.. there are always some bad with the good.
I think it's silly to call yourself Sad to be a Utahn over the associates in your office. When was the last time you were out on the ice and took in the beauty this state havs to offer? Sounds like you work with some classy guys though.[Smile]
I too didn't give Obama the nod. But, he is now the president. I hope to do a better job of supporting him than the support given to Bush from those that were against him from the get go.

I am not naive enough to think that racism doesn't exist (Did you hear the benediction to the Inauguration?). But I think it is nowhere near as prevalent as others, or the media would like us to believe. Proof possitive?? We have a well educated Black man as president.
I could care less what color of skin the President has. He could be purple with green and orange polka dots, even. Just as long as he does a good job, that's all that matters to me.
I can understand what you're saying but 'racism' is not what it used to be. Racism was colored people (I'm not up on my politically correct language so cut me some slack.) bathrooms, schools, doctors, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc. Unfortunately, in some, there will always be that underlying thought of racism but, in my own opinion, I think that it has less to do with skin color and more to do with self worth. Self worth...a.k.a. ego.
Times have changed, your fellow workers making fun of a, I'm going to say it, black president proves that they have no balls. This is America Damn it! I may not agree with everything he has to say but he is our President and OUR country VOTED for him. We owe him our respect, unless he sleeps with an intern [:p], and our diligence and trust to do what is right. With the way our economy is he can go nowhere but up. I would suggest that you take a few minutes and educate these people on our current status as a whole (deficit, dollar worth, stocks, etc.) or you are just a bystander watching hate. The only thing that is going to save this country is the people that live in it, it doesn't matter who is president.
My first wife run off with a black man.I guess thats ok she was black also.Remember its not whats on the outside its the inside that counts.So all the hot girls out there fat men need love too.[Smile]
That's exactly right John. He is our president and every American should put down their partisanship long enough to give the man a chance. Who's know's maybe he'll succeed.
Kentofnsl wrote " I did not vote for Obama, but wish him nothing but the best as our new president."

Good for you. I didn't vote for Bush but I would never insult him or make crude jokes about him. Even though I didn't like how he did things he was still my president and still deserves respect as far as one human being to another.

This presidency will bring out the best of some and the worst of others like no other time in our country. I could care less what our presedent looks like versus how he runs our country.

I am not affiliated with any party but vote with my heart and gut. No matter your political views, have some respect for the office of the president and If you disagree with the way things are, then make your view know by rational thought and actions not degrading comments.

Sorry I'm ranting now![Smile]
Nice fish in the avatar. is the bottom fish a Salmon ?
I didn't see what you were seeing- bad eyes I guess-
Sure- I heard some jokes- and I heard them about every race under the sun including whites. When everything quits having to be "politically correct" then that will be the day that it all ended, but there are those that will never let it die-- too much to lose if it does. I did not vote for Obama ( didn't matter what color of skin he had- or if it would have been a she) I do not believe in his political idealogy. I hope the best for him because it's hoping the best for my country. I realize that it's been 11 days since he has been in office and I get to have that to look at------ I don't like what I am seeing and he has nothing to do with race.
Its a Brown I caught on the Weber but the Fly in its mouth was the first fly I tied that I caught fish on [cool][cool][cool]
Dude sorry I missed your question until now.Its my best mac to date.33lbs

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